Saturday, January 2, 2021

So. 2021.

  Ready or not - 
Here it comes...
 I think 2020 has taught us many things... 
and for me... one of the biggest things that's been reiterated is that
of so many, many things...
And yet,  here we are at the start of another new year...
I've been giving my 'one little word' some thought these last few weeks...
[a practice I've had since 2008, with a couple of years skipped... 
2014 the year after our mama passed on... 
and 2019... who knows? ... 
and 2020 had just had one post -SAVOR - before our world changed...]
This year my word is LIVE.
The scripture I feel led to focus on this year is 2 Timothy 1:7
"For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid - 
but gives us power, love, and self-discipline." 
I want to LIVE with God's power, embrace His love, and let Him help me be disciplined in all areas of my life so I can fully live .
Y'all know that's a daily practice we have in our lives ...
To intentionally live and find something good each day as we go through life...
So I encourage you to go into 2021 with gusto -
[still practicing social distancing to protect others and ourselves, of course] 
live fully, be kind, and show God's love!
Happy New Years!

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