Last week I did something I've never [EVER] done before...
While at my conference I saw that there were two other conferences being held at the hotel during the same time... All the schedules were on scrolling screens for everyone to see... and I noticed that one conference had a painting workshop scheduled... Hmmm...

I was intrigued to find out how the instructors would weave some sort of motivational / self-help discussion into a painting class...
So I crashed it.
I wanted to observe their techniques and see what the
possibilities might be for using art in different kinds of workshops...
So I skipped my awards luncheon and went to this group's workshop.
I've never, ever, done anything like this...
I've never, ever, done anything like this...
And, y'all know me --
I'm such a rule-keeper...
I'm such a rule-keeper...
observe their techniques and outline, etc.
They welcomed me...
But, having worked for the state [which is much like a non-profit] for 30 years,
I'd forgotten a couple of things about the private sector -
I'd forgotten a couple of things about the private sector -
1] They HAVE MONEY and
2] They are able to reward their staff with FUN THINGS.
I found that this painting 'seminar' was nothing more than a painting class [from some very talented instructors who run an art studio.] The company having the conference offered this time to their staff, free of charge, just for fun.
And due to a cancellation, they let me [The Crasher] join in.
[And for the record, I did offer to pay - more than once.]
I sat in the back and tried to stay out of the way -
I sat in the back and tried to stay out of the way -
I LOVE seeing how a group of people interpret an art assignment!
And this was a fun group to be with.
I've only done a class like this once before
[when I did the O'Keefe poppy at Spirited Art here in town]
We started with just a few colors [white, teal, yellow, brown, and green] and mixed them to create these gorgeous flowers. I always love seeing how they add shadow and light in...

And I was happy with the way it turned out but had to add a little quote to it...
And then,
the more I looked at it, I had to add a little more color to it - ha.
You can see the end result at the top of this post... Love it.
And I'll admit that mine turned out a little different from the rest of the group
[which I didn't get a photo with, because, hey, I didn't know any of them - ha.]
Just FYI - I added the bloom and more petals to the corner flower,
and the white splotches...
and, of course, the quote.
It's impossible to exaggerate the goodness of God.
It will probably go in my office...
And then,
the more I looked at it, I had to add a little more color to it - ha.
You can see the end result at the top of this post... Love it.
And I'll admit that mine turned out a little different from the rest of the group
[which I didn't get a photo with, because, hey, I didn't know any of them - ha.]
Just FYI - I added the bloom and more petals to the corner flower,
and the white splotches...
and, of course, the quote.
It's impossible to exaggerate the goodness of God.
It will probably go in my office...
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