long one... that started with delivering the bobcat to my brother who promptly delivered it to his taxidermist. Hoping he'll end up with a smile on his face like this one at The Guntersville [State Park] Lodge --

Then I had a couple of work meetings and a full week of training newly assigned staff. I enjoy training - I know that teaching is one of my gifts, [
and I hope you understand that I say that without thinking 'oh how great am I' - I believe everyone has spiritual gifts and if you don't know what yours are then go google some tests to find out...] but I'm tired of it being an add-on to my other job responsibilities - wish it could be a full-time thing where I could give it the time and attention it needs.

And I'll admit - the travel is harder as I get older... This was my calendar for last month - so you can see - I'm ready to be closer to home for a while. Yellow = travel days -- wheeeeee.
Friday the Lord blessed me with sunny skies on my 4 hour drive home - despite the massive tornado warnings all around -

and I got home in time to run by and see my art that is being displayed at an exhibit [yes! I feel comfortable calling myself an artist!] and at a fundraiser for the Arts Council.

Weird to know that someone bought one of my very favorite pieces [He Washed My Sins Away] and I don't even know them --
And I just took time to relax on the weekend - did NOTHING except bake some yummy oatmeal cookies and eat dinner with friends, and then lunch with the oldest and his gal... catching up with life here at home - so nice. Have a happy week everyone!
You are a great teacher! Glad you enjoy it, too! Same here!
The Lord has His plans for you....teacher, traveling so you can enjoy the unwinding time to become an artist. Wow!!! What an honor that someone bought one of your art pieces!!!!!
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