Monday, April 8, 2024

This is a magical book

and a book full of the smallest details that drop breadcrumbs 
to the bigger story of Lily Temple...
A silent film star who reinvents herself 
in life as well as on stage...
The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple
From Joanna Davidson Politano
is a story of a lost girl [in so many ways] finding her true love - 
both earthly and spiritually. 
And while I was able to pick up a breadcrumb or two along the way, 
the story kept me guessing until the very end. 
Here's a quote from the author regarding above: 
 "This right here is the theme for this novel. 
It emerged after I tried wrestling another theme onto the page, 
but here we are. And I really loved untangling this on the page."
Note: I was given a copy of this book from the publisher for review purposes. 
And I'll admit that it was a slow go for me as I entered the magical world of the garden.
But this is a book FULL of imagination and a story that leads you deeper into the love of our Father in Heaven... even as you walk the streets of silent film history.
It's pretty cool, and kept me thinking for a while after I finished it...

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