Wednesday, April 13, 2022

I'm still keeping up

 with my daily Holy Determination project with Meeting Him in the Margins.
We're looking at a different book of the Bible each day and and seeing how Jesus is reflected in each one...
So here' s a quick look at some of the cards / tip-ins I've put in...
You can see that I've used front / back as needed to cover a couple of books..
[Most cards have a prayer or quote on the back...]
And I'm journaling directly on the pages of the Bible when I can....
We're in the New Testament! 
The photos here are in no particular order...
And you can see that I'm using all sorts of products to complete my cards - 
Some from the kit offered... and some from Bible Journaling / scrapbook stuff I've collected over the the years...
We still have a few weeks to go before we finish up.
But I'm loving this little chunky Bible that reflects Jesus throughout the pages!
Our next study is Proverbs - come on over and join us at
It's a great group!

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