I've been doing it for the past few years...
and I can't even remember who might have started it...
But basically it's a trend that goes around this time of year where people commit to doing something [ANYTHING] creative for 100 days in a row...
These past few years I created daily pages for my art journal and I love how they document what was going on in my life at the time.
[Last year I did Illustrated Faith's 100 Days of Less Hustle, More Jesus, because, let's face it... we were all forced to have a little less hustle in our lives this time last year...] SIDE NOTE: for more than a few years I've kept my sermon notes in a little note book of some sort so I can go back and reference them for study and / or Bible Journaling purposes...

And sometimes it's been full of artsy stuff...{{fun!}}
and other times not so much..
This is NOT my 100 day challenge - just showing how I keep some of my Bible Study notes...
This year I'm going in a bit of a different direction...
I've had The Psalms brought to the forefront for me these first few months of 2021...
First with a sweet friend from high school encouraging others to join her in reading Timothy Keller's Devotional Book on Psalms.... and then 'my' Tuesday Morning Bible Study Group* is doing a verse-by-verse of Psalms!
I've always been intrigued with the idea of verse mapping
[google it; it's a thing...]
That said - My 100 Day Challenge [and may be a few more days afterwards...] is
verse mapping The Psalms. You can see it's similar to some of my sermon notes, but also a little more in-depth on some of the word studies and take aways... 

I'm using a little notebook I've had a few years and printing The Psalm on my pc [sometimes in different versions] and taping it in [sometimes front and back]] before I enter my notes...
My notes are based on the book mentioned above, the Tony Evans commentary, Bible Study Group notes, notes in my study Bible, and commentaries I'm reading on-line.
SIDE NOTE 2: I've decided to just use whatever colors strike my fancy at the time.
[I did research all the different ways / meanings of colors in verse mapping - and there's A LOT of differing opinions out there, so I'm just not going to get too stressed about that part of it.]
So that's my goal - one psalm a day for 100 days
[and of course longer because: 150 psalms...]Would love to know what you're working on creatively these days!
*I'm just so excited to be able to participate in this morning Bible Study Group now that I'm retired... and it's SO WONDERFUL that it's being offered via zoom for those [like me!] who aren't quite comfortable meeting in person at this time...
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