[Is anyone surprised?]
But I did get caught up in some of the stories a few months back
about Kanye West and his belief in Christ...
The first thing I really saw about it all was this
video with James Corden:
And then I found it interesting how the christian community began to voice opinions about it... such NEGATIVE opinions... I mean, I kind of expected it from non-believers... but aren't we charged with sharing Christ's love with EVERYONE and welcoming EVERYone into the family of God?
What an interesting and emotion filled week it's been for the American church. On Monday it was one famous preacher publicly maligning another for preaching as a woman. On Wednesday the 21 year old son of one of Christian music's most recognizable artists passing away suddenly. And yesterday the release of an album by Kanye West called Jesus Is King.
All three events have shown us both the UGLINESS and BEAUTY that exists
in the church. It's ugly when preachers spend more energy bashing other
servants of God then they do praying for and encouraging those God has
his call upon. It's ugly when we spend more energy speculating about the
suspicious (and yet unreleased) cause of death of a young man than we
do praying for a hurting family. It's ugly when we don't allow for the
fact that even the most foul mouth musician is not beyond the saving
grace of Jesus Christ - when we assume that it's all just a fraudulent
attempt to make a few bucks... I have found myself grieved by those
moments of ugliness this week. Grieved because, for many, this is the
only real taste of Christianity that they are getting...and it's not a
good one!
But that's only half the story. I have seen great beauty this week in the church as well. I have loved seeing people re-affirm their public support of women in ministry - loved seeing people stand in support of Beth Moore. I've loved seeing people grieving with and praying for a famous musician they've never met - not caring what the circumstance of his sons death were and just recognizing that this brothers world just got shook up. I've loved seeing people celebrating the homecoming of a prodigal son - embracing that Christ's gift of grace is for 'anyone who believes' - people excited that someone with a significant platform is now using it to declare the goodness of God! These responses give me hope. Because if THAT is the version of Christianity this lost world is seeing in Jesus' followers...that's a taste they'll keep coming back for.
The point? To my already believing friends, the choice is set before be a beautiful church or an ugly old hag. How we choose matters. And to my friends out there who don't believe: I'm sorry that we Christians get this wrong so often. Like any other organization, the church is full of mistake prone, imperfect people. I won't hide the fact that we often don't reflect Christ the way we should. But many of us are not okay with that. We're trying to be better. And on the other side of our ugliness there is a great beauty that we hope you'll catch some glimpses of too.
But that's only half the story. I have seen great beauty this week in the church as well. I have loved seeing people re-affirm their public support of women in ministry - loved seeing people stand in support of Beth Moore. I've loved seeing people grieving with and praying for a famous musician they've never met - not caring what the circumstance of his sons death were and just recognizing that this brothers world just got shook up. I've loved seeing people celebrating the homecoming of a prodigal son - embracing that Christ's gift of grace is for 'anyone who believes' - people excited that someone with a significant platform is now using it to declare the goodness of God! These responses give me hope. Because if THAT is the version of Christianity this lost world is seeing in Jesus' followers...that's a taste they'll keep coming back for.
The point? To my already believing friends, the choice is set before be a beautiful church or an ugly old hag. How we choose matters. And to my friends out there who don't believe: I'm sorry that we Christians get this wrong so often. Like any other organization, the church is full of mistake prone, imperfect people. I won't hide the fact that we often don't reflect Christ the way we should. But many of us are not okay with that. We're trying to be better. And on the other side of our ugliness there is a great beauty that we hope you'll catch some glimpses of too.
So, back to Kanye - I began hearing about his 'Sunday Services' and how he didn't make it about him... but that it was a real worship experience...
When we had the spur-of-the-moment opportunity to attend Sunday Service back in January I was glad we could get tickets -
When we had the spur-of-the-moment opportunity to attend Sunday Service back in January I was glad we could get tickets -
It was sponsored by Scott Dawson
and the Strength to Stand Conference
and we really did enjoy the experience.
It was about Christ - with the choir coming out with a choir leader and singing praise songs, then Kanye sang a few of his new songs...
and shared his testimony... then more songs from both him and the choir, a short message by a pastor,
more singing and then they all walked off the stage singing about how we all need Jesus to walk with us -

I'm glad I experienced it -
This man is not perfect [none of us are] - but he shared how he is now redeemed in Christ. I couldn't stop thinking about what a platform he has to reach others for Christ!
and we really did enjoy the experience.
It was about Christ - with the choir coming out with a choir leader and singing praise songs, then Kanye sang a few of his new songs...
more singing and then they all walked off the stage singing about how we all need Jesus to walk with us -

I'm glad I experienced it -
This man is not perfect [none of us are] - but he shared how he is now redeemed in Christ. I couldn't stop thinking about what a platform he has to reach others for Christ!
Now, back to that FB post [above]- I
know we're all imperfect, flawed human beings - and I love how the
above says we can be a beautiful church or an ugly old hag.
I want to be a part of God's beautiful church.
I want people around me to see that God's love, forgiveness,
and redemption is for EVERYONE....
becasue none of us are perfect...
I want to be a part of God's beautiful church.
I want people around me to see that God's love, forgiveness,
and redemption is for EVERYONE....
becasue none of us are perfect...
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