August was one of the most ridiculously busy
months I’ve had in a long time -
months I’ve had in a long time -
I keep a calendar, really I do - but some unexpected things were added to it.
So, you know what?
I just went with the flow -- ha...
Let’s get to the numbers:
8 – days working out / town
18 – days traveling for fun
3 – days in the office and, hmmm – that gives me about
4 – days at home…
But it’s all good.
And where should I start to update on things?
I'm sharing our time in the Pacific North West in a separate post!
And apparently fall is a great time to launch books,
so I'm sharing quite a few of those as well...
But for now -
Please meet #AnnieLeetheArgosy:
[Kind of a spin on [my and] a grandmother's name...]
The Argosy was made by Airstream from 1972 - 1979...
This is what she looked like a few years back,
and we're currently researching ways to make her shine again!
My sweetheart is a FANTASTIC shopper –
Y'all know we're crazy and we know it.
We embrace our crazy, maybe flaunt it a bit,
sit it out on the front porch to greet the neighbors
and all that - ha...
sit it out on the front porch to greet the neighbors
and all that - ha...
But I have to say that
one of the most insane things in my life
when I drove over ten hours to a stranger’s house, shook his hand
and promptly went to bed
was with me OF COURSE.
But. Still.
The next morning this stranger
brought us coffee
and we made the deal to purchase #AnnieLeetheArgosy –
Although, truthfully, the deal had been made
the week before
when Craig found her on-line at a price we couldn’t
pass up.
[We had been talking / dreaming about an Argosy off and on for months
- ]
And. Oh. My. She is a beauty in all of her 1973 glory.
All 26 feet
of her.
This is the biggest camper
we’ve ever owned
[... maybe even longer than our little motor home -?]
has EVERYTHING original and is in pretty good shape considering her age –
The bathroom floor is soft and will need replacing…
I’m sure there has
been [still is?] a leak back there somewhere…
But we’ll figure it all out…
She made the ten + hour drive home just
And we were even able to get her up our lumpy driveway with no
[ie: no dragging] at all. Whew!
[And, yes, I even pulled her
part of the way…
Okay - well, ------- about an hour ... off
the interstates – ha.]

‘Room’ by ‘room’ here’s what she looks like.
[It all
needs a GOOD CLEANING. And I’ll refrain from sharing plans, because we all
know those change along the way. But I will say we hope to keep things
as close to the original look as possible for now.]
Living area – SO happy to see the original sofa [with storage
underneath] and table.
And, wow – those curtains kind of take me back to
my mama’s den when I was in high school! There's a little sound system in the roll top cabinet overhead, and there's speakers near the beds, because, hey, she's SO BIG you couldn't possible hear the stereo back there without it - ha.
Love that we have the original table that folds into a nook in the wall -
[The floors were re-done about five years ago -]
Kitchen area – SO happy to see that fridge with a separate
[we really did use that in the motor home -]
AND all that storage!!
And also SO happy with the
original harvest gold countertop, sinks, stove and oven… AND the stove cover!!! [which
definitely needs a good coat of paint.] AND the sink covers!! [I can work with dark yellow - it's kind of EVERYwhere right now.]
Bed area: TWIN BEDS – yay! SO happy to have these!! This
is what we wanted most because, hey – I’m getting too old to climb over
Craig in the middle of the night when I need a potty break. [Truth.] There's storage both overhead and underneath! And the original shelves with lights are on the walls at the end of each bed... so cool!
Again, original curtains on the tracks
- love it.
The tracks, not the curtains - ha.
We slept well on the beds - [took our own bedding, just sayin'...]
Of course we were EXHAUSTED from driving all day -
Bath area: It’s a mess [to me.]
But! It has a shower, toilet, and sink, as well as storage, and I know we can restore it…
SO happy it has the original medicine cabinet – and the mirror is in wonderful shape!The light over the mirror is not original...
She also has a new air conditioner and solar panels!
[This photo was shopped to show the boys - ]
And we’re
SO happy she has rock guards for the front windows!!
- They're actually pretty cool, and also act as tinted windows that we can see through,
so we may never take them off!
so we may never take them off!
And yes, we 'rescued' her from South Carolina...
just a few days before Dorian visited...
[I'll share more about the few hours we spent in the low country soon -
It's just beautiful there!]
So. We’re still
deciding what to do to spruce up the outside…
It definitely needs to be done -
And I’m kinda liking the
But do we choose royal ? Cobalt? Navy? Deep Teal?
I’m open to suggestions – what would YOU do to mimic décor
from the 70s?
What was your favorite thing from
that decade?
What do you see as trendy and / or classic from the 70s?
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