Monday, March 26, 2018

I've not taken a lot of 'regular' reading time

this month - 
Life has been happening 
And I'll admit, I've been tired,
 and kind of enjoyed a couple of weeks of slipping into sleep 
after a couple of games of solitaire 
[I am my mother's daughter -]

I did finish one book and I have a few started that I'm excited to share! 
I enjoyed this quick read that touches on enduring friendships that last through the years... and the good times... and the bad... makes me think of breakfast clubs, or weekly dinners... and how we all need a good friend who can shoot straight with us. 
Really good.
I think it was a recommendation from GoodReads, which I'm REALLY liking!
These next two... I have the pleasure of being on their launch team and while I'm not quite finished with them - I'm loving them booth!
I've read Jen's blog off and on for years, but after digging into this book I feel like I really know her and her heart to be used of God. I love all of her ideas and tips of ways we can be hospitable to the people in our lives - in big and small ways! 
I can't wait to meet her at the Becoming Conference in April - it's going to be a great weekend of refreshment in my busy life!
I'll admit, I've never read Matt Perman, but I've certainly read good reviews...
And who could resist this book cover?!
And here's the deal - we all have places in our lives where we feel a little stuck from time to time -  I'm looking forward to digging into the core principles Matt shares that are at the heart of becoming an effective person for the glory of God. Amazon says, "These principles are flexible enough for people to adapt and apply them to their own life and context... This book is more than just good ideas that you read and never apply. How to Get Unstuck walks you step-by-step through the core principles that free you to be more effective in everything you do." You'll be hearing more from me re: How to Get Unstuck on instagram and FB!
And the last book on my shelf this month is 
Y'all know I've loved Dr. Henry Cloud FOR YEARS.
So when this showed up on sale for Kindle [$1.99 - go grab a copy!] I knew I had to have it!
Amazon says, "In this ground-breaking book, Dr. Cloud takes the reader step-by-step through the four basic tasks of becoming mature image bearers of God: Bonding to others - Separating from others - Sorting out good and bad in ourselves and others - 
Becoming an adult." 
As a social worker [and okay, someone who strives to be a better person...]
I've always loved these kind of insightful, 'self-help' books, as I call them. 
I think we can all, always, learn how grow and be a better person in this ole world we live in - 
There you have it. 
My book bag is full - but I have a little travel in my future so I hope to have time to get through them soon!
Share your most recent books with me!

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