Monday, June 1, 2015

This past week -- [or so]

I made this recipe twice
- once to go with ribs, baked beans, and potato salad...
and again to go with fish, fries, and hush puppies...
Much thanks to my Aunt Gail 
for including it in the Family Cookbook back in 1987!
{THAT's a project I want to complete - scanning each page to make a digital copy -}
I also ate waaaay toooo many of these
[microwave s'mores -]
 And while we had  a bunch of kids, hmmm, young adults,  over
 we moved THIS out of the way
[The snow won this year - ]
And spent the week working on THIS whenever the weather cooperated.
... and the fish weren't biting - ha
We're very happy with the way it turned out - 
 I also had the privilege of  gathering with some prayer warriors 
to pray over a precious friend who is dealing with some health issues. 
Love these sweet friends.
And y'all know I believe in the power of prayer - 
And... I also gave this one a bath -  
She was stinky 
[AND it was time for her flea medication -]
I've enjoyed the tiger lilies 
and harvested a few blue berries! 
With more to come - we've put a net over them this year - 
take that birds!
I enjoyed being downtown a bit ...
and played with this app a little too much...
but it's fun, y'all!
And, yes, I ate my fair share of this... and BLT too!
I've got to give the basil some time to grow before eating it again!
Oh! And I also went [mostly] grey!
- I'm gathering some photos together to share with you 
that will [hopefully] show the contrast.
[Can you believe we're half-way through 2015 already?!?!]

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