I know lots of people think I live a crazy chaotic life -
I prefer to think of it as busy and blessed...
But the truth is -
I live a very INTENTIONAL life -
My one little word* for last year was intentional -
My one little word* for last year was intentional -
mainly for the sole purpose of being intentional about my health -
instead of just eating willy-nilly with no exercise, etc.
I realized that we, in fact, do live a very intentional life -
[We have intentionally eaten lunch together most every week {Thursday} for the past 25 years - we could hardly afford a baby-sitter for date-night so [back in the day] this was a time to re-group as a couple, compare our calendars, and simply BE together.]
I work hard [sometimes 15 hour days]...
and I play hard -
[in a healthy - constructive - kind - of - way - lol]
[From a recent fund-raising event --
Craig plays hard too - but I'll leave it to him to share HIS photos - ha]
[in a healthy - constructive - kind - of - way - lol]
Craig plays hard too - but I'll leave it to him to share HIS photos - ha]
But don't think for a minute that it's not all planned and orchestrated in some way --
as I said to my Bible Study group a few nights ago -
I have to budget my energy these days...
and really -- I've always done that --
If I know I'm going to have a particularly busy week training a group of staff,
or going to an event, or working with county staff,
then I know I need quiet time at home beforehand.
[I'm truly an introvert - though only those who know me well realize this --]
or going to an event, or working with county staff,
then I know I need quiet time at home beforehand.
[I'm truly an introvert - though only those who know me well realize this --]

When the boys were younger
we intentionally planned a monthly get-away
for us to just BE together
{something we NEVER felt we could get enough of -.}
Maybe camping - maybe picnics - maybe doing the walking trail - maybe Disney - ha - maybe doing something special on our many sports trips -
we intentionally planned a monthly get-away
for us to just BE together
{something we NEVER felt we could get enough of -.}
Maybe camping - maybe picnics - maybe doing the walking trail - maybe Disney - ha - maybe doing something special on our many sports trips -
There are many, many ways that we've lived intentionally throughout our lives --
Intentionally being a part of a faith community - and intentionally choosing what we're involved with within that community [so that we have time with our boys,] intentionally choosing school and sports commitments, and intentionally eating our
traditional Mexican meal on Wednesday nights after church...
just to name a few...
[Intentionally having a ton of brownie mix on hand
so kids who visited our house always felt welcomed...lol]
Thankfully we both enjoy our jobs -
But our jobs are NOT our life -
Intentionally being a part of a faith community - and intentionally choosing what we're involved with within that community [so that we have time with our boys,] intentionally choosing school and sports commitments, and intentionally eating our
traditional Mexican meal on Wednesday nights after church...
just to name a few...
[Intentionally having a ton of brownie mix on hand
so kids who visited our house always felt welcomed...lol]
Thankfully we both enjoy our jobs -
But our jobs are NOT our life -
They are just a means for us to fully enjoy life -
I am so fortunate and thankful
that throughout our thirty years together
we have taken the time to seek God's guidance together
as we've actively made plans
and taken the steps [risks] to get where we are today -
that throughout our thirty years together
we have taken the time to seek God's guidance together
as we've actively made plans
and taken the steps [risks] to get where we are today -
It wasn't always easy -
and there was a whole lot of chicken and rice
and ramen noodle eating during our years in Mobile
and there was a whole lot of chicken and rice
and ramen noodle eating during our years in Mobile
[and maybe for a few years after that too -
oh how I remember finally be able to afford white chicken meat!]
But I am so very thankful that my sweetie
was one to take the next step in life with me
instead of just waiting to see what would come along...
oh how I remember finally be able to afford white chicken meat!]
But I am so very thankful that my sweetie
was one to take the next step in life with me
instead of just waiting to see what would come along...
As Doctor Phil said years ago
- Stop going with the flow in your life and create your own river instead...
[a long-time favorite quote of mine -]
I hope [and believe] we've raised our boys in an atmosphere where they have the confidence to reach out and grab life and enjoy the good times too.
[Afterall. life is too short to be serious all the time -]
So I encourage you to do this too!
Think about your dreams
and consider the steps needed to make them a reality.
[Like I said in one of our Brave Girls Club classes -
it's kind of like writing your own little case plan / individualized service plan;
break the goal down into steps and go for it!]
It's okay if you fail - or if things don't work out -
wouldn't you rather try and find out it's not for you
than to never try and never know?
Let me hear from you!
*Past ONE LITTLE WORDS have included:
Magic - Choice - Joy - Aware - Intentional
Go here to read quotes, etc. regarding these words through the years -
[a long-time favorite quote of mine -]
I hope [and believe] we've raised our boys in an atmosphere where they have the confidence to reach out and grab life and enjoy the good times too.
[Afterall. life is too short to be serious all the time -]
So I encourage you to do this too!
Think about your dreams
and consider the steps needed to make them a reality.
[Like I said in one of our Brave Girls Club classes -
it's kind of like writing your own little case plan / individualized service plan;
break the goal down into steps and go for it!]
It's okay if you fail - or if things don't work out -
wouldn't you rather try and find out it's not for you
than to never try and never know?
Let me hear from you!
*Past ONE LITTLE WORDS have included:
Magic - Choice - Joy - Aware - Intentional
Go here to read quotes, etc. regarding these words through the years -
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