And until a few days ago I was still uncertain of what my ‘One
Little Word’ for this year might be – If you’re a
paper-crafter of any kind I’m sure you’re familiar with Ali Edwards’
One Little Word phenomenon – but I believe there’s also a strong spiritual
component to it and want to share with you some things I've found - – take a look at [some of] this post below from Compassion -[be sure and link over to the 'one word' <- font="font" size="3">It's VERY GOOD.
Link here:
:from Dec 21 2009
Using One Word to Fight Your Personal Spiritual Poverty in 2010
Do you talk with God?
Or do you talk at
Him or to
How much of your prayer
life, your conversations with God, is about you? You talking. What you want or
need. What you
think should happen. When you’re listening, are you interested in
what’s on God’s mind? Or are you really just listening for God to talk about the subjects you
I mostly talk at God.
That’s a 99-percent
most. God usually can’t get a word in edgewise in “our”
conversations. I’m talking. And I’m talking about what I need and
what I want, as if they are somehow
different, and as if I know better than God what I need.
“Hey God.
I’m not interested in that subject. Why do you keep bringing it
But once a year, at the beginning of December, I make an extra
effort to get over myself. I ask God, “What do you have planned for us next year?”
It’s like asking your father,
“Hey, Dad! What are we going to do this weekend?”
The Next Year in One Word
So, even though
I’m not your father, you should do
this: Ask the Holy Spirit what He has in store for
you in 2010. Ask Him to give you a one-word
theme for
the upcoming year.
Not a phrase, not a statement, just a single word.
That last sentence is
more for you than for the Holy Spirit. He knows what’s going
But this is
for you – One Word. [<- read="read" this="this"> It’s a document
for you to download, written by Dan Britton, Senior Vice President of Ministry
Programs for the
Fellowship of Christian
One Word contains
suggestions to help you make this “one word”
thing a spiritual discipline rather than
some nifty hoot of an idea that will quickly fade away like a worn out New Year’s resolution. This practice of
asking God for His yearly theme in my life gives me strength in the tough times. It renews my spirit, giving
me a sense of purpose when I feel hopeless, annoyed, angry, afraid …
anything but in control and confident.
It helps me stay
connected with Christ and His plans for
me throughout the year.
Not perfectly, but definitely in times I
probably would not.
Every year, with a little prayer time, I have found
God eager to tell me what He has in store for
me in the following year.
Remember this, and I
can’t emphasize it enough, you’re not choosing a word. The
Holy Spirit is giving it to you.
In 2009, the Holy
Spirit laid the growth card on me. And
when I told you about it
last December, I said it sounded painful.
Well, 2009 wasn’t
really painful. But it wasn’t easy either.
I got to grow through a lot of old habits and immaturity.
And even though 2009 is
almost over, the growth isn’t. The words the Holy Spirit shares with us
each year establish the foundation for
the words
we get in the future, which means I’m going to be growing the rest of my life. Duh!
For me, 2009 was a year to begin getting beyond my “only
child” behavior, which tells people the world revolves around me and
they should wise up, stop resisting and get with the
It seems I’ve
made a little progress, because for
next year God’s word to me is:
It sounds promising.
And, with that said, let me share that "I" thought I'd found the perfect word for 2013
[and I still love that word and will share more with about it - it's so FUN]
but God had different plans --
First, a quick re-cap - I've been doing this a few years; my words in the past have been: present [as in - be,] real [thus the blog name - lol,] choice, joy!. magic, and intention...
The truth is - when I let God choose my word - He uses it to help me grow - whether I'm looking for it or He's placing it in my path - my word really does help me to grow
and stay focused throughout the year.
I love it because it's so much more than a new year's resolution -
the one little word can encompass so many areas
in our lives that we can be more aware of and improve in.
So, there it is. My one little word for 2013:
- I'm looking forward to seeing where God leads me with it this year!
How about you?
Do you have a guiding word or scripture for the year?
I'd love to hear from you!
[Note: What's up with blogger?!? I"m having a love-hate relationship these days {you may have noticed I lost a ton of photos on old posts} am considering making a change --]
[Note: What's up with blogger?!? I"m having a love-hate relationship these days {you may have noticed I lost a ton of photos on old posts} am considering making a change --]
Love your word for 2013 - has many meanings. Have a great week!
That's how I like to think of a word for the new year too. It becomes a spiritual focus for the year. Your word is a good one. I still haven't settled on mine yet - still pondering!
I like your 1000 gifts list too!
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