I’ve had a very busy ‘round the house week – lots of little things needed to be tidied up. I’m happy to report that I’m making a dent in the clutter. – I’m much more relaxed when the clutter is put away…life is just 'better' somehow... Still, Emma and I tired to start each day with a little time out on the bright red glider…of course, she’d rather be chasing squirrels…
or sitting in the sun. And yes, I’ve turned into my mother and have little stacks of things for the boys to go through when they come home – keep or discard, you know… but I still haven’t unpacked my scrappy stuff from the last retreat – and there’s another coming up soon! [So that equals no art for me this week.]
Craig has been gone on his annual fishing trip. It was a good week for him to get away with his buddies and just relax, do some fishing, and in the mornings ‘eat waffles and swap manly stories’ - that’s a favorite movie line of mine [Shrek -] I doubt they had waffles, but am sure there was lots of manly stories – LOL. And crazy hats...
I have continued the moving of stuff from my office at work, what can I say? I’m a ‘nester’ I like to have little bits of home around me. I’ve even been known to have my own quilts and little framed family photos on the nightstands of my hotel rooms when there is an extended stay… we don’t move into the new office until June, so it’s looking a little bare right now…
I had a nice evening with oldest and his gall Friday night – tried a new recipe for Red Beans and Rice – yum. And the birthday boy came home with his gal this weekend. Always wonderful to have them home! Kids grow up way too fast – 22 and 25 already!! And I feel like I’m just in my thirties – haHAha.
We celebrated with a favorite Thai meal, then a trip to ‘Nothing Bundt Cake’ – fun and then, on to Yogurt Mountain – who knew? This will put your self- control to the test. Yum. It’s unfortunate that it’s so close to home… and I DO need to eat more milk products…
And I had a wonderful time hosting a 'tailgate' couples' shower with these gals for some sweet young friends that are about to tie the knot. We've known Josh since before he was born, seriously - I have a photo of Matt sitting in a baby swing [less than 9 months] and Josh barley standing up and putting a pacifier in his mouth - fun. It was a great evening despite the theme for that other school - lol.
The sinus yuck is hanging on – but still, I have no infection – so I will take meds and carry on…
1 comment:
Sounds like a productive week! Where is your next scrap event being held?
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