Thanks so much for all of your comments throughout the month!
I love reading them and think it's so fun to share together!
I appreciate each of you taking the time to stop by and visit!
I love reading them and think it's so fun to share together!
I appreciate each of you taking the time to stop by and visit!
The winner of this month's OMGiveaway is
bfran55 :Enjoyed your blog. Looking forward to visiting again.
Send me your snail-mail address: Judy@faithabsedpages.com and I’ll get a box in the mail to you!
And remember that the NEXT winner will be chosen from COMMENTS ON THIS POST.
So comment away on any of the posts from the last month!
Deadline to leave a comment: November 30th
Check back with me at the end of December to see if you won!
[I’ve been cleaning out stuff from two big events this month and my give-away box is over-flowing! ]
I look forward to getting together and ‘talking’ with each of you then!
Congrats to the winner. Love reading your blog, especially like the ten on Tuesdays that you do.
craftymom205 at yahoo dot com
What's up? Has another month gone by already?
Congrats to the winner, I will have to check out their blog next. :)
Okay, like I really need more "stuff" but, girlfriend, I know where you have been and what you have been up too lol so I am so leaving a comment...=) Congrads to the winner and, btw, I may have to bloglift this idea...hmmmm
Thanks for the chance! I've added your link to my website's contests page.
- Emily K #7021
The spidey is must too cool-and I love the quote.You did an awesome job.Thanks for the chance at the give away!
I always enjoy your 10 on Tuesdays. Glad you didn't break your wrists because when I was in 5th grade I broke both my wrists at the same time. Not fun back then but would be a lot worse at our age now!
New to your blog, but I found it fun. I'm in your felting class and ahve been wanting to learn it for a while now. It has been fun!
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