My Mama has always made the best biscuits ever! Growing up our breakfasts were always centered around her fluffy white biscuits – in the summer I’d have one [or two] with sausage and a slice of tomato and a side of cantaloupe. In the winter there’d be sausage [almost always O'Guirre’s – specially made at a little shop in town – so good!] white gravy, and her famous biscuits with butter and hot blackberry jam.
It just doesn’t get any better than that, y’all!
When we all married and moved away
coming home to Mama’s big breakfasts was always a treat
[even if she did serve us gravy one time that she said the dog wouldn’t eat – ha!]
I love this photo of Matt when he was around two years old – standing in a chair at the kitchen counter to help cut out the biscuits we loved so much. It perfectly captures this gr-mother tradition of letting the boys be a part of her “everyday” – even if they did make a mess. And it reminds me so much of those big [delicious!] breakfasts we used to all share together!
Blackberry Jam –[Mom - feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!] It just doesn’t get any better than that, y’all!
When we all married and moved away
coming home to Mama’s big breakfasts was always a treat
[even if she did serve us gravy one time that she said the dog wouldn’t eat – ha!]

1 Pick plump juicy blackberries down by the spring,
2 Wash and place blackberries in glass canning jars
3 Seal jars with the water bath method and put away for winter
4 In a pot over medium heat combine equal parts blackberries and sugar
5 Bring to a boil. Turn down heat to keep warm
6 Serve over buttered biscuits – yum.
thankyou for the recipe. I remember my mom baking chocolate for us! I love her home made chocolate nuggets! Moms are so special. Even now I love eating my moms food...that is my comfort food!
Memories like this.....makes me want some of her biscuits!!!
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