1. Cut out a hand drawn heart from ‘chipboard’ [I used the back of a writing pad.]
2. Mod Podge lots of small torn pieces of paper all over the heart, allow to dry.
3. Glue circles cut from old book [dictionary] pages to the back of the circle.
4. Using a red patterned paper for the background, place the following:
- Multi-colored patterned paper [Basic Grey Euphoria pkg] trimmed about 11 x 2 inches – placed two inches from bottom of page flush to right side.
- Red cardstock [2.5 – 3 inches] punched with a heart [Martha Stewart] border punch; place approximately 5 inches from the bottom of the page – over the top of multi-colored paper.
- Green paper [patterned – Basic Grey Euphoria pkg] trimmed 3 x 6 inches – round upper left corner, place ¼ inch from top and upper left corner of layout.
5. Place heart on top of above layers as shown, partially off the page [you can make a slit in your page protector to accommodate this in your album.]
6. Matt photo on white [patterned – Basic Grey - Euphoria] paper and place on heart.
7. Using metal trimmed letters from Cloud Nine [LOVE THESE - found them at JoAnn's] put “love is” on heart to partially frame photo.
8. Print and trim I Corinthians 13 verses on computer – cut into strips and adhere over photo, heart, and down the page.
9. Using a doily, trim journal paper to fit ‘inside’, journal and adhere to page, tucking it partially under the photo.
10. Additional embellishments:
- Trim hearts from patterned paper [unknown] and adhere on both sides of the page [as well as on the mod-podged heart.]
- Adhere flower and ‘vine’ stickers from the Basic Grey - Euphoria paper pack.
- Trace flower with black pen[#8 point.]
- Use gems to highlight the vine.
Hope this inspires you to put a little of your faith on your scrapbook pages - I'd love to see what you do - just post them on the Flickr Page [link to the right.]
Such a beautiful layout! You both look lovely! I am convinced I need to get some heart paper and do ours too! I love that you gave instructions...this can go into a shadow box or something and be framed! Thanks!
Happy Valentine's Day!
I love your layout, Judy.
I worked really hard on my cards to Don, dh, and Joe, ds. I need to post those. I need to do a V-Day layout.
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