Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!
A 2010 re-cap in photos -

1 - Skiing and snowmobiling in Colorado; 2 - The Gulf Coast in Winter; 3 - A new roof!; 4 - Matt's home for his birthday; 5- Drew's first real job; 6 - A deserted Gulf Coast; 7 - Panama City fun; 8- Canning, canning, canning; 9 - Celebrating Drew's birthday with sushi; 10 - Just the two of us; 11- Craig's big birthday; and 12 - closing out the year with a little magic.


LindainNCtoo said...

I like that photo!!

Are you going to use it as one of your sb pages?

Marianne B in AZ said...

You had what I would call a very good year! Like your pictures!

Gloria L. said...

Happy New Year back at ya!