[how funny is it that I took this photo outside and
a FLY landed on it just as I snapped? LOL]
Thanks for the comments on the Corrie Ten Boon quotes and photos – I’m trying to put seasonal photos up that I’ve taken – the sunset was actually from the back parking lot of a Hobby Lobby run – lol. And the zinnias were at the boat ramp – LOVE that I inadvertently caught some bokah on it!! [ I DO NOT have a fancy camera-]
Linda – I think it would be hilarious to watch pigs race for oreos – that would make a trip to the fair COMPLETE! And I’m enjoying the Scrapping Sisters [yahoo] site – but haven’t been as active as I’d like to be - Jessica – I wish you could get out one afternoon during the fair when it’s not so crowded – it really was fun to see it all again! And Marianne, a fried pie is basically biscuit dough cut in a circle, filled with fruit, folded to a half moon [crimped] and deep fried. They can be delish – I prefer the ones available at The Farmer’s Market in Montgomery [I think they’re made in Prattville.]
Loved what you shared about your dad and Proverbs 31, I think some men were raised to not be very open emotionally – so I know that’s a great memory for you! Thanks Jennybean for your comment on the happiness quote – I really love it too – and think many people look in so many different places to find happiness
And I agree, Crafty mom that it’s so fun sharing with people in different parts of the state [or country] and seeing how similar and different things are – growing seasons for one… I’ve loved the Top Ten from Charlie Brown as well. When we visited the Peanuts statues at a park in St. Paul I looked up quotes and loved them all – I may have to share those next year…
Ahh - Gloria L. it’s craziness in Auburn when there’s a game. We try to go to at least one a year and used to could walk from the boys’ apartment so didn’t have to worry about parking. Are you signed up for the Teresa Collins classes in Georgia [March at EMI]? Jenni Bowlin? I may do Teresa’s, but Jenni’s is a little steep for me this time of year. I’m sure they’ll both be fun though!
Becky – thanks for the encouragement about the devil woman thing – I find if I fuel my body better then everything is better [for everyone – ha!] – but that’s hard to do when I’m feeling grumpy already!
Hey Debra – I still have that sifter if you have hoosier cabinet without one –lol!!
Kathy – I have my photos organized via Stacy Julian’s method from her book, The Big Picture – the funny thing is, I’d already started dividing my photos this way before I bought the book – it makes it sooo easy to find photos when you want them! I meant to ask to see some of your Colorado photos last weekend – hope you post some on your blog or FB! Sounds like y’all had a wonderful time!
Pam – welcome to my blog – so neat meeting you!! I loved all the things you were working on Saturday – wasn’t that just the best time?!? I hope to go in April - do you?
Thanks to all for the good wishes on being published – it is kind of fun – but it’s something the Lord and I have been talking about [a lot] lately – there may be a blog post coming about that in the future – and Marianne – I do feel like I *know* many of my friends from on-line [so fun!] Your comments about my layouts were SO SWEET - seriously – for MOST of my layouts I use Stacy Julian’s ‘finish line’ method [can you tell I’m a HUGE fan of hers? LOL] – I just group a bunch of photos together in the center or to one side, add stuff around it, journal it and call it a day. [Supplies? Kits are the way to go!] I do try to have balance and a triangle of color and even spacing, but I usually spend very little time on most layouts…I share that as encouragement that anyone can make a great layout - "just stick it down" [as Stacy would say - lol] - thanks for the compliments.
And Kelly – the [fall] tree garland was made from scraps from my card stuff – I actually copied a tree rub-on and blew it up about 200% and used it as my pattern. Polka-dot trunks and patterned paper tops with little punched leaves make them cute. I’ve loved getting [back] into Halloween décor this year! More to come on that too!
Again – thanks to all who visit here – I read each and every comment and LOVE sharing with you all!!
1 comment:
Hmmm...I am going to have to look into Stacy's books! I think I need better inspiration than I am getting from the many different techniques from Scrapbook's Ect. It isn't that I don't get the whole concept of scrapbooking, but I need to get a method down like you seem to have.
Can you tell me what kits you subscrib to? Maybe I need to think about going that route. I have seen Deb(Godzoned)on the Fiskateers doing a kit challenge each week and was going to participate, but I wasn't quite sure where she was going with it. If you would, could you send me the info at mariannebrinkley@msn.com?
Thanks so much, Judy! Your blog is right up there on the top of the list! You really do a great job of sharing your knowledge and love for life!
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