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Annnnd - if you don't know what a Fiskateer is -
then check us out today and join in on the fun!
Today I thought we'd talk a little about trends we see in our own scrapbooking.
so I'll start with sharing some trends I've noticed in my own scrapbooking lately -
I usually start my page with some of my favorite photos bunched together in the middle or to one corner a la Stacy Julian's finish line method -

then I add the other stuff around / underneath the photos.
I love large circles and have noticed that I include them in A LOT of my layouts -

And of course alphabet stickers [it's an addiction for me-]

And you can see from these I've shared that I don't shy away from one-photo layouts,
but I often do multi-photo layouts too;
I almost always do one-page layouts - that's what I enjoy more [there was a time when I felt pressured to do two-page layouts because someone told me that was the *right way* to scrapbook] but I say do what you enjoy - it's your photos! your art! your memories!
I also like to use my own handwriting on most pages and
tend to outline most everything [alphabets, photos, mats, etc.] with a black pen. Sometimes straight outlines, sometimes squiggly, sometimes little dashes that [I hope] looks like stitches [lol - been doing the little stitch thing since middle school - why give it up now?]
I encourage you to take a look at some of your recent layouts and
see if you find trends in your own work.
Do this a few times a year and you'll see how
your own scrapbook 'style' changes and evolves.
Finally, this is one of my very favorite layouts of a tree in our neighborhood
- and I wanted to leave you with this quote:

"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn, or consumed.
Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every moment
with love, grace, and gratitude."
I wish you happiness!
And I hope you'll come back and visit often!
I'll do a random drawing from the comments on this post [deadline is Sunday midnight]
and the winner will receive
a [never opened] cricut dinosaur cartridge!
I'd love to have you join us in Faithbooking 101 in the
Faith Based Pages Classes Yahoo Group too!
[It's a free class! - link to the right]
Now - on with the Orange Blog Hop -
go on over and visit Rachel H., Fiskateer # 667 next!
Have fun!
Wonderful talent. Thank you for sharing. I think my trends the last few months have been leaning toward circles and I've always loved one page layouts. Great job.
Beautiful .. love the tree Karin H #6470
Loved everything you've shared here! The quote was wonderful, and wow thanks for a chance to win a great cartridge! I'm already a follower!
Love your work and adore the quote. Beautiful!
what a wonderful rak! I love all the projects you have posted!
just hopping by to say hello to my fellow blog hop participant!!! :)
tfs! I never thought to go back to my own pages and see what I do a lot of...love trees and the qoute-have a great weekend!
Kate 4529
WOW all of your work is amazing, and love the quote, thank you for such a fun blog hop! Donna #4454
I've never really thought of looking back to see if there were trends in my LO's. I know I used to do a lot of two pagers but have now steered towards one page LO's. Like you I don't shy away from multi photos either. Great job. Thanks for the chance to win a great cartridge too.
beautiful picture! Love the quote!
I so liked your scrap pages. Also interested to see the faithbook classes, will investigate that when I've finished blog hopping. New fiskateer #7351
beautiful layouts!
Thank you for sharing your trends...I'm a little bit of everything scrapper too (1 page, 2 page, circle, lots of photos, 1 photo). No need to enter me in the drawing for the cricut cartridge...just wanted to give you happy comments.
I have the same addictions as you. Lovely work!!!
loved it all
Go Orange!
Stayce #2985
beautiful tree. I remember you from the Fiskateers with Faith group we had for a short time. I'm glad to find you again. Now that i somewhat know what I'm doing, I can "follow' you. I definitely want to check out the Faithbooking. Ive done a few pages of my own. We serve an awesome God-of course we want to scrapit! :)
That's a gorgeous tree layout & i love the quote.
Tona #4437
Very nice layouts. Thanks for sharing.
Cheryl #4362
I do enjoy your blog !
That's a great tree layout and I love, love, love the quote !
patty 2832
Oh wow! I'd love to win the cartridge!
Thanks for the fun stop on the hop!
Tifany #5942
I love your pages! I'm so impressed you use your own handwriting on your pages! Thanks for sharing them!
Wonderful work and wonderful quote! Thank you so much for sharing your talent and your thoughts.
It would be interesting to go back and look at my pages. Great layouts!
New to many of these blogs and am having fun hopping.
You have such great ideas. I love Stacy Julians way of thinking. What a beautiful tree pictures.
My grand children love Dinosaurs. thanks for the chance to win a RAK. Enjoyed your blog very much.
You do beautiful work. I think my trend is that I don't really have a trend.
Great pages. I started the hobby with scrapbooking but it has now moved more to card making. Hopefully I will at least finish the books I have started.
great projects.
would love a dino cartridge and would share with all the new fiskateers im meeting from san diego!!
Nice job. Love the big circles in your projects.
Great layout! Thank you for sharing.
The tree layout is now one of my fave as well OMG that is so....beautiful!!!!
Thanks so much for sharing!!!
Hugs-BJ #7298
Thank you for sharing. Great work.
Great layouts! I really like the quote you posted too! I'm going to check out the class you mentioned too!
Dot #6703
Thanks for sharing the trends with us, I must go look through my more recent pages and see if I have any trends too.
Thanks for sharing
Christine C #2264
I love that quote - we need to remind ourselves of that once in awhile.
Great pages... I love it make it your own I tell people this everyday- and please journal use your writing even if not perfect..its who we are! Hoping to see you at Scrapping for a Cure!
Your layouts are wonderful! Thanks for the inspiration!
Katherine #6847
Mary #5509,
beautiful pages, thank you for sharing with me, I may look i into the faith based group,
Thank you for the trip around your layout styles Judy - they are are lovely, especially your tree layout & quote!!!
Thank you for the generous RAK but don't include me as I don't have a cricut or cutting machine to use it with :o)
Happy Hopping!
PS - I am having a scary trip down memory lane with my layouts - trying to finish a book for my SIL that I have been working on for a YEAR and so frustrated with some of the pages already done that need a partner page - really struggling to match them. The good news is we learn so much as time progresses and get much more adventurous :)
What a wonderfully, crafty, Fiskateer project. Thanks for sharing your creativity. #6243
Wonderful inspiration and I love the quote. I really needed it today. Think I'm going to make a little plaque to hand on my wall with it.
You are so talented Judy and so very generous. Heading back to the Faithbooking link.
thanks for sharing
Beautiful lo's!
{Pattie's passion}
I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!
What a great Idea! I havd noticed a big difference in my layouts since the beginning! The first ones were so 'first grade'. Now they have more depth and more real stories on each page. Thanks for sharing, and I'm now a follower and I'll be back to check in on the Faithbooking lessons. I started collecting paper and did a couple of layouts and then got stuck. I havent worked on the book for a couple of years and I want to get back to it. Thanks again
Jessica 5319
I too love to use my own handwriting & what a great prize you are giving!!!
Louise #3903
I love the idea of laying everything out to try and identify your style. So many people have a hard time figuring out what their style is. I love your tree layout, by the way- I'm a big fan of the one photo layouts too =)
Love the tree layout. So beautiful. Also wanted to say, I really enjoy the faithbooking group also.
Great layouts! I like to make large circles, too! Beautiful quote. TFS
Patti #3651
Your layout with the tree is breath-taking!
I always love your work. You have a true talent when it comes to scrapbooking! I am amazed at how many pages you have done this year, but you never sacrifice making them beautiful in the process of getting so many pages created. Your blog is one of my favorites!
wow those are some great projects
How inspiring--thanks so much for all of your hard work and sharing your time and talent with us! :)
Your layouts are beautiful! I'm a two page scrapper but I do indulge in a one pager on occasion :) My "newest" trend is flowers, ribbons and buttons... on EVERY layout, LOL! One of my favorite quotes about scrapbooking is, "There is no 'right' way to scrapbook!" They are your pages for YOU and never let anyone tell you otherwise... Thanks for being a part of this hop!
Mandie #4722
It's been too long! Loving the layouts you are showing and i think it is cool how you have noticed how you gravitate towards shapes like you have done before....you know yourself!
God bless, Deb♥
I love your blog. It is truly inspirational and soothing to spend a little time with you. I have to admit I do both double layouts and single. It despends on the theme and album that I'm working with. Really? Someone thinks that there is a "right vs wrong" way to scrap? Too funny! you keep doing what you're doing.
fiskateer 5612
great work :) I am glad I found your blog through the blog hop- I couldnt find your link from crazy marys though- just found you off the master list at fiskateers
Those are beautiful layouts. My favorite is the tree one. Great job on them.
Thanks for the all the new ideas.
O How wonderful U making me want to get up and make a page right now..:O) I have not seen the dinosars..♥♥♥
I wish YOU happiness.
Thank you for the beautiful words of encouragement
Wow, love all of your LO's. Didn't know they made a dinosaur cricut cartridge. Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win.
Wow, I love all your layouts and your sharing on how you start a layout. Great idea to check out your own personal trends.
sandy 4165
Awesome quote and so true. TFS with us Judy
Hugs, Rosalee #5977
I really like your work... I'm a hand journaler too. You stick to your guns... if you like single page do single page that's the beauty of scrapping there are no rules.
Lovely page & quote
Suz 6135
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