Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

  1. Hearing cheery voices in the park below my office makes me happy.

  2. Wearing green on Tuesday – my favorite color, always – was fun and I found a little green purse for summer too.

  3. Modern Family – Wednesday nights – if you haven’t seen it, look for it on hulu NOW. It just may be my favorite show. Ever.

  4. Not having enough time with our youngest sweetie sent me into a tail-spin of anxiety and grief when he left us to go back to school with a hiking trip on the way - [oooohhh the give and take of the empty-nest.]

  5. The new roof took a little longer than we’d anticipated – and it’s so-so wonderful! And you can’t hear even a raindrop fall on it – we were thinking we might hear a soft patter, at least…

  6. My hair is so long that it’s beginning to really bother me. I have secret aspirations of never cutting it again and becoming that hippie grandma with a braid down her back.

  7. One of our grandmothers had a long braid that she rolled up into a bun each morning... I don’t think she was a hippie though –

  8. Another scrappy weekend with friends – and Craig’s been having some fishing fun – which he sooo deserves after all the time he put into overseeing the recent upgrades here at the house.

  9. Time change + too much sugar [chocolate] + anxiety + extra caffeine have left me grouchy due to unrestful sleep.

  10. And finally, we did see the sun a day or two this week – and it was very – very nice indeedy. Of course the SNOW we had yesterday was no fun. At all.

1 comment:

Patty Williams said...

Did you just put the metal roof on or replace it ?

I'd love to have a metal roof or at least the look of it, but the noise might be a problem for me.

I love the look!