Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Lottie Scotty Update No. 011 - 2017

The table and dining 'area' was one of our favorite projects in Lottie!
Y’all know we’re not skinny people so 
I really wanted to share how we’ve decided to install our dinette table – 
Before purchasing Lottie we actually looked at the new vintage look trailers out there  - 
and one thing that caught our eye was how the dinette table 
would slide back and forth to allow a larger person to easily sit down. 
Craig contacted the company in hopes of purchasing the hardware for this – 
and No. Can. Do. 
So we got innovative.
[Something my sweetheart is VERY good at -  remember this post – car windows ] 
 We happened upon this Kobalt brand garage organization /  tool system 
[black plastic storage rail] 
while walking through the hardware store and thought we could make it work -
After installing the back bar, Craig popped the prongs off of four mounting bars 
[actually sawed them off, I think -]
[they looked like this afterwards -]
and securely fastened them to the back edge of the table – 
and waa-laa.
They snap in place and easily pop off the rail when we want to make the bed.
The mounting bars slide along the rail 
so that we can both easily get in and out of the seats – 
Again, something that will make camping in Lottie a little more fun for us – 

Here it is pushed to the right...

And to the left... 
We just simply lift up and slide - 
[something I'm still getting the hang of...]
The table's original finish is is in excellent condition so we're leaving it as is for now.
I love the windows that stretch across the front of Lottie and how the light comes in through the curtains - I love her roll out windows too.
And y'all know I think her dining light is ADORABLE. 

This is the little light underneath -
[I didn't have a photo for the earlier post - ]
We had someone sew up the cushion covers for us - 
and I think the fabric we chose really pops against the white. 
I'll be honest, there was one point when we first painted that we thought,  
'oh, wow - SO MUCH white -
But now that we're getting things in, we can see that the other colors are playing off of it really well. Notice, I painted the table leg the blue 
that matches some Formica from oldest son's kitchen re-no.
I'll share more on how we used it later.
 I'm not sure what’s up with the towel holder over the window – but we kept it; 
It might turn out to be useful – lol --  
Or we might end up taking it out --
Side note: I may need to ‘hem’ the curtains a bit more – 
but I’m living with them for now - 
And we're so glad we went with some contrasting colors in the cushions - 
Different combinations are always fun!

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