Friday, June 14, 2013

We have a TON of mint out back

[and if you have mint, I’m sure you have a TON too!] 
I personally love the flavor…
[Ours is spearmint.]
A few weeks back I had some strawberries that had 
just about given their all, 
but I hated to let them go to the great compost bin 
outside the back door… 
So I thought:
 Strawberry Mint Popsicles – yum.
I made a quick and easy mint infused simple syrup … just chop up a cupful of freshly picked and cleaned mint leaves and steep in a combination of one cup water and one cup sugar.
 [I believe this could easily be sugar free if you add the sugar substitute of your choice to the mixture after the mint tea has steeped…] 
 I strained it well.
And it ended up looking like this:
 Then I poured it into some little popsicle molds 
that I’d STUFFED full of thinly sliced strawberries – 

and popped them in the freezer for a couple of days…
   I stored the leftover mint syrup in the fridge 

[it’ll keep about a week -]  
and enjoyed it in my morning tea – 

And on a {{very}} warm afternoon 
[It’s SUMMER in the South y’all – and I’m LOVING it -] 
I pulled out the popsicles to enjoy – 
- Quick note – these are NOT the Tupperware popsicle molds 
I knew and enjoyed in the past, 
and as a result they proved a bit more difficult to un-mold. 
Here’s the first try – 
The second is at the top of this post -
 These popsicles, while DELICIOUS,
were a little on the soft side 
[with all it took to unmold them!] 
But they’re so good, I’m pretty sure I’ll be pulling out 
the ‘ole ice cube tray to make some to add to summer drinks… 
the next ones will be sugar-free for sure….
This is pinterest project #2 for June, btw - 
Oops!  I don't think I mentioned here that
I issued a summer pinterest challenge - 
Let's try to COMPLETE two things {monthly}
from our 'summer' boards during the summer - 

 Here is the first one I've already shared on facebook -  
- An old candelabra with solar lights for the patio - 
 And kind of 'dark-shadow-y.'

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