Monday, November 16, 2009

Change is a comin'

In this ever-evolving journey of faith I walk I’m taking a step in a new [but not so different] direction with Faith Based Pages. You see, I really believe it’s a path that God is leading, and while I may take a few missteps along the way, I pray that He uses FBP to touch those who need Him [in whatever way He sees best.]

First, a little walk down memory lane – back in 2005 I was facing the first stages of the empty nest and had a little more time on my hands [as well as few more bills, called college expenses, on my brain.] Our high schooler still at home was getting pre-tty tired of mom standing in the door of the play room just LOOKING at him [and treasuring the time he was till with us here at home.] It was then I was searching and asking the Lord for guidance – what to do with my time and maybe, perhaps, make a little mullah on the side too?

And Faith Based Pages was born – a little monthly kit company, that was, ironically, faith based. Ha. It was fun to pull together kits with my own quirky color combinations, but it was oh so much more rewarding to introduce some for the first time to the idea of putting THEIR faith on their scrapbook pages. We traveled to shows from New Orleans to St. Paul that year as I taught class after class, and we [the students and I] shared our hearts. I was more convinced than ever that we need to share together as we put our faith on our pages. As a result the Yahoo group was formed – and what a blessing it’s been to me as we’ve grown and shared together. Crafters with our minds focused on Christ -- and while we may not always – always put faith on every single page, we do strive to live our lives for Him.

Then as 2007 was coming into view DH & I felt the Lord saying, ‘slow down, take some time, consider stopping the kits as I lead in a different direction.’ So we did slow down, maybe did two shows that year, stayed close to home, and realized, oh how the Lord prepares our way – bc that was the year my parents were so very ill and I needed to be close by to help [I can’t EVEN imagine how CrAzY I would’ve been if I was also doing classes and kitting up for those – and life was pretty cRaZy already during that time.] The blog was started and we continued the kit company, all the while, thinking, maybe we should have stopped. December 2008 was our last regular monthly kit. [Past kits are still available here – for each one ordered we’ll throw in one of our choice free.] After that I was in a waiting period – Fully in the empty nest, and finding myself with even more time – but also finding that that time was quickly filling up with Bible Study, friends, gardening, my love of photography, reading, and crafting and quality time with my sweetie pie.

It was then I felt the Lord leading me to do some free on-line Faith Based Pages classes and another Yahoo group was started just this year. It’s small, with only a few regularly posting as participating in our ‘classes’, but I know others are reading, and my prayer is that the Lord is using our efforts to touch just the right one in just the way He knows is needed. It’s a blessing to me to pull some Faith Based Pages ideas from the books I read and share with others. And I loved having Kim do a class as well [look for more from her in the future!]

Now, back to the blog – through the last couple of years I’ve tried to make it a balance of sharing my life, my journey of faith, my scrapbooking, and my hobbies [gardening, photography, scrapbooking, and other crafts.] I’ve made the occasional effort to share Faith Based Pages, sometimes with step-by-step instructions…this year I’ve seen changes in the internet world as participation in yahoo groups is waning and more and more people are into blogs and even facebook [yes! Me too.] and I’m feeling led to include Faith Based Pages more regularly on the ole blog – meaning I have to make the effort to listen to God’s voice in leading me so that I post what I feel He wants – and not just my own ramblings.

So in 2010 I plan to put a Faith Based Pages Challenge on once a month [probably around the 15th] – I really hope we’ll have some people participate as 1] there’ll be a WHOLE MONTH to completed the challenge – and 2] there’ll be a little prize given [randomly] to one of those who share their projects, and 3] I JUST LOVE to see how different ones interpret my ideas [REALLY – REALLY love this!!] I’m looking forward to it – and think it will be a challenge for me as well! The free classes will continue on the FBP Classes Yahoo Group and the FBP Yahoo Group will also continue [maybe we can talk a little about the monthly challenges and how we interpret the faith theme, as well as how we tweak them differently?]

All this to introduce the Monthly FBP Challenge concept – and, it’s starting THIS month Now, in fact! This month's challenge is all about thanking those we love - it's inspired by that Hallmark commercial seen all over TV and the concept of handmade cards in the Scrap, Etc. Magazine [Nov. 09] Remember, if you participate, you need to let me know where to find your work - either by leaving a comment here on the blog or posting on the FBP Yahoo Group [not classes.]

Deadline is December 15th. Here we go:

Theme: Thanksgiving Blessings - cards

[Scrap lift from Scrapbooks Etc. Nov / Dec 2009, p.32+]

Create three - four cards to send to others for Thanksgiving

Must include: Thanksgiving embellishments, brown cardstock, paint and

Scripture: “May the Lord bless thee, and keep thee: may the Lord make His face shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee.” Numbers 6: 24-25 [or one of your choice.]


Anonymous said...

I am where you were a few years ago - and going through changes as well - so i will be happy to hold on to FBP as a constant in my week - even when the world is dizzy and crazy! I made my one card - not three or four - but sent the one. I look forward to the new class in the new year on a very interesting and not easily demonstrated subject of our faith....

Until then - will keep watching...

Kim G.

Jeannie Phillips said...

Judy..I am Jeannie, John-Robert's mom.... I just met Matt...he and John=Robert are about to leave for hiking...they are excited... I make cards...and he said you scrapbook.... I was excited...I asked if you had a blog... so I wanted to say hi!!... please visit my blog..

I am adding your blog to my blog list!!
