Friday, March 13, 2009

Encyclopedia of Your Ordinary Life -U

A few years ago I had the opportunity to complete this extraordinary scrapbook album designed by CathyZ and based on the book, Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life by Amy Rosenthal. While I still haven't read the book, I love the concept of this album - a random sampling of those ordinary facts about your life [my life.] The homework involves keeping a list, A to Z, of random memories for several weeks and then gathering photos [or not] to support these memories. Love it. The album is really very simple [a la Cathy Z] and easy to put together with only two square photos per page and two to four 'definitions.' Have I said I love this album? And I want to share some of my life with you so I've committed to do just that in 2009 [keep in mind this was completed during the summer of 2007.] I'm going backwards and today I present: U


God’s awesome creation. When I think of how incredibly big our universe is I also realize how very small we are as mere men on this earth. Yet, the God of All Creation, of water, earth, and sky loves us so very intimately. He truly is a God of Wonder – throughout our Galaxy!


Hanging from the side bars of a metal swing set – or if we were really brave – doing flips and hanging upside down from the top bar! This was one of the best ways to ‘while away’ a summer day – but we all became a little more cautious after Lorna fell [from the top] and broke her tail-bone…youch!


Me and You. Through all the years; good times and bad times – doing what we do best – just being us! I love Craig so completely and am so blessed to have him in my life!


City Life vs Country Life – maybe we have the best of both worlds since we live in a small city. And I’m not sure I would love living in a big city – but I do know –for sure- that I have no desire to be a ‘country girl’. I need to be in close proximity of the things important to me: church, schools, work, doctors, shopping, etc.

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