Where to start?
I guess the biggest news is that we are now post-three-weeks from our 2nd vaccine!!
YES!! And thank you to those who offered it to us when we took Craig's mother in for hers.
I know many have differing opinions, but for us - we are just so very grateful to have the opportunity to receive this historic vaccine...
I wonder if our parents felt that way with polio [and other vaccines]?
Note: we are still cautious and wearing masks, etc.
We've had more than a few people we know who lost the battle to Covid-19...
Other news: Little Bernard [the tiniest cat I have EVER owned] had surgery for his hernia [and neutered] and he is just as feisty as ever, until he hits the wall about 7 pm. lol...
And I'm happy to report that ALL of the cats are now enjoying their [ENTIRE] day outside... and loving it, I think... but they want to settle in with us at night. Ha.
YES to some no-leggings days!
I love a lingering spring... but am ready for some warmer days...
[And omgoodness, this garden has changed SO MUCH since this photo was taken at the beginning of the month!]

We enjoyed lots of zoom calls and classes with friends and family
Projects this month were all about #AnnieLeetheArgosy:
Craig completed a BIG job as she had a couple of welds break - yes, those we paid to have done a few months back... and that's a [very] long story for another day. . .
ALL IS WELL thanks to Craig working on her non-stop for more than a few days...
We also tore out the vinyl wood flooring and put down new carpet that is closer to what was original [and I LOVE IT.]
And we now have a complete awning for her.
And after camping in the rain these last two months: Yippee!
We put the airstream numbers [and other info] on our back shade so it can be seen as we drive down the road... gotta add the dot after the AL there...
And I repaired some of the wall paper in the kitchen area that was peeling up [as it often does in old campers] - I used gel medium to secure it and it's holding steady for now.
I also couldn't resist the idea of planting a bit of a garden...
At the end of the month I have beets, brussells, lettuce, cabbage, onions,carrots, and radishes all coming up here in the pallet garden [my first time to try this] and also there in the cold frame...
Outings this month included visiting and SHOPPING with Craig's mother a couple of times. So glad she can now safely get out and about a little more...
Craig's been fishing several times...
I met cousins for lunch one day, we visited a tulip farm with friends -
and even thought it seemed like thousands of people, we could spread out and enjoy it all safely. It was beautiful!
At the end of the month we enjoyed A VERY RAINY camping trip with friends for our Davy Crockett Vintage Event [that Craig does such a WONDERFUL job hosting!
There were some dry moments, and the sun even came out for a bit!
But I decided to use the time inside the camper to try baking biscuits in the tiny toaster oven I bought for Annie Lee... and it worked! We haven't had baked goods while camping since we sold our little cub that we camped in with the boys...
Looking forward to SPRING
- what do you have planned?
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