It has been a cRaZy busy few weeks for us -
and it looks like it will continue for a few more...
Let's do a quick April re-cap -->
We were on the road quite a bit for love - work - and play.
[You know we've always got to add a little play in when we can!]
1. Laurel, MS - Home of the Home Town TV Show we all love - truth is, we did VERY little research before stopping off the interstate... I'll share more in a separate post!
2. Time with friends at the Botanical Gardesn with Chinese Lanterns
[I've already shared - so many gorgeous lights at night!]
3. Time with friends for our spring scrapbook retreat! Always a treat since we don't get together monthly anymore - and I finally gave a charcuterie board a try - SO FUN!
[I put a warm spanakopita on it and served it with salad -]
4. Enjoyed a sweet friend visiting from Chattanooga - Always a joy to catch up with Rosemary - she has a great blog <-- a="" click="" here="">
5.Had our share of storms this month - a spring tradition here in the south - But!
Only one night of bedding down on the couch! [Here I am heading to bed at 4 a.m. cpap and all - ha.] I'm more than a little concerned that one of our 60+ trees might tumble down on us -
6. SO FUN to get together with another friend from high school and do some Bible Journaling! Can't wait to do it again!
7. We love traveling back roads - and stopping for impromptu photo ops with Smokey!
8. And dipping our toes in The Gulf whenever we get the chance!
And we make the effort whenever we're close -
9. And eating with our favorite Neighbors in Tillman's Corner - lol
ALWAYS delicious!!
10. We both had work down south and loved staying in the Admiral Semmes Hotel
[that's what I will always call it -] with all of it's art deco glory!
[I'll try and remember to share more on this beautiful hotel - ]
11. Easter started bright and early [AND COLD] with sunrise service up on the mountain.
Then we listened to our church's live stream on the way to The Shoals -
I love {{love!!}} that our church has this entire service so we can be a part even when we can't be there physically!
We enjoyed being in worship and out to eat with Craig's mother -
[Went to Too Fat Sisters - the BEST OKRA I'VE EVER EATEN.]
12. Love all the spring flowers in the south - but these roses from my mama's yard are so sweet and special to me...
13. At the last minute we were able to attend a fun vintage camping gathering over at Honeycomb and so enjoyed a little respite from these busy days -
14. Then I headed to Nashville for a quick trip with a sweet friend to see Michael W. Smith and Friends - over 55 performers!! Such and incredible night - I'm glad we made the effort!
15. Meanwhile - this one has managed two fishing trips in between his work out of state -
You see, we believe in working hard, but also that we need to be intentional about resting / relaxing too.
So I'll leave you with that - be intentional.
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