Wednesday, January 30, 2019

This is such a great book for anyone looking

toward retirement - 

 Eric Thurman does a wonderful job helping us 
think about some important things BEFORE making this life change. 
I love that it’s interactive with the thrive survey available on line that helps show areas that might need a little work BEFORE we retire. 
He delves into the aspect of our souls with such integrity.
And purports that that we cannot fully thrive 
if the central part of us – our soul—is not healthy and energized.

I especially liked the part of the book about ‘BEFORE I Die’ 
because there are many people who don’t want to think of these things – but need to. 
This part of the book helps walk you through that – 
Think about how your story will end, 
“There are people who slowly sink as their life moves down river. Others merely stay afloat. Happy people sail forward with purpose.” 
It’s never too early to start thinking about how you want to live your life with purpose. 
Planning is key. “Until you steer and paddle, your life will be adrift.”


Note: This book was given to me for review purposes. All opinions are my own.

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