Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Remember I mentioned going to a

Faith Retreat with Cori Speiker 
and Tracie Claiborne a few weeks back?
Tracie showed us how to make the most adorable little junk journal!
[We sewed the binding and everything!!]
 So of course - 

I had to take THE idea 
and adapt it to my own 'needs' [HA]
and made mine a little bigger, 
the size of a traveler's notebook.
I. Love. It. 
It fits nicely in my TN holder -
 As with any junk journal, the pages are all different sizes and include envelopes, book pages, etc. You can use whatever you have on your desk to create one -
I'm using mine for daily scripture writing - 
there are many daily plans out there to choose from [Cori has one as well -] Right now I'm focusing on scriptures from my current Bible Study and daily devotionals.
I used stickers / die cuts / and print-outs to decorate the pages. Many of these are Cori's designs, as well as some from Bella Blvd. and Illustrated Faith -
I love how the scriptures and embellishments peek out from page to page.
And I love how the scriptures wrap around each one as I go through the journal - 
These photos were taken the first week 
I made it and I've already filled 
several more pages...
I can tell it's going to be a treasure 
for years to come!

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