Well - there was more than a few things on the list that didn't get done...
I didn't finish up the Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt....
Although, I feel like I gave it a go - here's the bicycle...
Still setting out front from when the siding guys were here...
[Note to self: MUST put this away before winter. Ha.]
And the paw print...
But there's still quite a few I didn't get...
I also never planted heirloom tomato seeds that the oldest was going to share with me - but I did plant one cherry tomato plant and this volunteer came up...

And I didn't read all of the Bill Bryson books that I have....
Or glue the tape measure into a star...
[But I did read several great books - and
completed lots of art projects....]
[photo cred: the internets] And, we didn't catch up to Bones from start-to-finsih
[or at least to where we started watching a few years ago...]
But we are on season six, and it's been fun learning the
backgrounds of all of the characters....
[photo cred: the internets] And, we didn't catch up to Bones from start-to-finsih
[or at least to where we started watching a few years ago...]
But we are on season six, and it's been fun learning the
backgrounds of all of the characters....
And, sadly, I never got back to the garden right out the back door...
I didn't get the bottle tree back in its place [again, from when the siding guys were here,] I didn't weed the flowerbed out [but honestly once the lantana does its thing, it's hard to tell...] and I didn't have a fire pit night - or make hobo meals in the coals... but with a steady temp of 98* around here, I just wasn't in the mood to be outdoors an awful lot...
I did enjoy many of the things on the lists I made -
and while watching the butterflies wasn't on the list -
They have been a lovely sight to see!
It's still summer weather here in my neck of the woods...
And while I'm trying to not wish my days away [the whole be present thing, you know - ]
I am looking forward to my favorite time of year!
Shall we have a fall bucket list this year?
I may be too busy to accomplish that... lol
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