that I've been doing the on-line class - Revival Camp - from Illustrated Faith -
They give you weekly prompts and lots of printables to use however you feel led --
I've kind of surprised myself by how much I enjoy it...
Here's how I set it up to work for me...
This is a little basketball training book from 1954 that
I gutted and put elastic in to hold my notebooks...
I have three -- my field notes, journal, and digging deeper...
They're in the Revival cover / holder and can easily be tucked into a small bag to carry with me... or in my little suitcase that has all the printables [and other stuff I gathered to use during this class.]
So -- I have a lot to share with you this week [FOUR WEEKS!]
I'll walk you through week one and then just share my photos after that --
This is Field Notes....
a notebook where I write through what I've learned / pondered on during the week. The first week was IGNITE - for me talking with God about what He wants my dreams to be at this stage in my life.... how He wants to use me... etc.
This is my camp notebook -
the inside contents were provided...
I use this to dig deeper into The Word as I ponder the devotion for the week -- You'll see that it also kind of evolved into a place to sketch my Bible Journal ideas...

And this is the third notebook I made -
I use it as an art journal... The insert is a 4x6 photo protector folded in half and tucked between two notebooks with 3x4 cards inside...
One of the things that I AM LOVING is how I'm ending up at a completely different place than I think was the original intent- sometimes in scripture... and sometimes in the whole thought process....
You can see that I'm adding tip-ins on occassion...
Week One - Ignite - Bible journal
So that was week one...
I'll take you quickly through the next few weeks --
Week Two - Restore - Field Notes
The printables are 'tip-ins' - meaning I can lift them up to read what's underneath...
This is usually the book I start in -- pondering the scripture and following leads from key words or other passages...
Week Two - Restore - Art Journal
You couldn't see it above - but I print the devotion from each week and put it on one side of the art journal... highlighting what touches me -
Week Two - Bible Journaling
Week Three - Kavanah - Field Notes
Week Three - Kavanah - Digging Deeper
Week Three - Kavanah - Art Journal
Week Three - Kavanah - Bible Journal
Kavanah means to pray with a laser focused intensity - intentional - mindful prayer that is focused and meaningful....
And now onto last week - Prepare - Field Notes
Week Four - Prepare - Digging Deeper
Week Four - Prepare - Art Journal
Week Four - Prepare - Bible Journal
You can see that I moved some notes from Beth Moore simulcast [in 2009] to a tip in to give me room to put my art on the page... And as I shared with the group -it's rare for me to put a sticker on a page - but I like that butterfly...
Another thing I'm loving about digging deeper in The Word is how God id using the different ways I'm involved [this study, my regular Bible study group, and weekly sermons] to bring the emphasis for the week all together while using the different passages from each place...
Pretty neat...
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