My sinus problems have been so bad this week that my voice was gone for a day or two – but I took the mucinex just like my doctor instructed and, except for a little ‘balloon head’ I’m feeling better now. It’s hard to not be outside with this wonderful weather we’re having…
I worked on the seat cushion for the bathroom this week – covering this trim was ever-so-much easier when I used the correct needle-foot on my sewing machine, although, I will admit that I had to take a break one night after breaking a needle. LOL. Sewing is just not my favorite crafty thing to do. Still, it came out okay. [Details on the Great Bathroom RE-do will be on the blog this Friday. Finally!]
And I picked up this little piece of art at Kohl's on SALE so thought I'd try it here in the hallway with my newly covered lamp. [There's a little peek of the bathroom!] Remember we picked up the lamp at Dirt Cheap for $1.60 - I punched circles from an old dictionary and mod-podged them on in rows, being careful to only stick down the top. I put podge on both the top and bottom of the circles and used my heat gun to dry between rows [both on top and underneath] because I wanted the bottom to flip out a little.
[I also started with a piece of gauzy fabric that is frayed and has gold stars on it - put it as the bottom edge...] It'll stay here for a while, but may eventually move into the bathroom, or maybe even the dining area...
I started a new Bible Study Group this past week – and while it’s not as intimate as my last group, I know I’ll enjoy being with others who are studying The Word together. We’re doing Priscilla Shirer’s study on Jonah. Interesting; I’ve done her studies before, and seen her live, and thinks she’s great.
This weekend Craig and I went over to The Shoals to spend time with our Moms. I’ll admit I missed being with our boys and hearing our own pastor start The Easter Service with the traditional, “He is Risen” and the church’s response of ‘He is Risen, indeed.” BUT! It was wonderful to be with our mothers! [Just some trade-offs & you can’t have it all, you know.] We had dinner with Mom Saturday evening and spent the night with Craig’s mom before getting up before daylight to take Mom to our traditional outdoor sunrise Easter service. [This photo taken as we crossed the river on our way to breakfast.] Years ago there was a community service that we’d attend, and then none, and then some churches started having this special service again. During those no service years we actually gathered as a family at a local park and had our own with Craig leading us in hymns and Mama sharing what Easter really means. She loves an outdoor sunrise service so much so last year we were very glad to hear that a local Methodist church would have one at the Catholic Cemetery around the corner from her house. We attended the same one this year – just a small gathering of believers gathering together to rejoice in our Lord at the start of Easter Sunday – a wonderful thing.
Extra special this year since mom hasn’t gotten out for much more than doctors’ appointments since she’s started using oxygen. Afterwards she treated us to breakfast at Cracker Barrel. A fun way to start the day. Then we went to worship with Craig’s mom. Their church is growing and changing. I love to see how the Lord works. Afterwards she treated us to lunch at Legends – I think we all had yummy chicken and dressing, veggies, and those delicious rolls. Then it was back home for us to knock off some of the things on our ‘to-do’ list before ending the weekend with a relaxing ‘catch-up’ meal with great friends – it’s been too long since we’ve had time to ‘just visit!’
I feel like I have stuff in boxes everywhere these days – our office is moving and I had to get all of my personal stuff out this week, and we still had some boxes from Drew’s move that needed to go to Goodwill, and I’ll admit that my crafty stuff still in the bins from last weekend’s retreat – and I’m trying to clean out one closet a week…there’s always lots to do, isn't there?! Hope you have a great week!
1 comment:
Your Easter experience sounds very special - one to treasure. Thanks for sharing!
Happy Birthday to me! It's the big one!
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