And oh I love it - even when I can't breathe after only a few seconds outside because of the pollen that is thick enough to coat my car in its yellow blanket. I think I fell in love with spring in the south the April I drove home from school in Utah [1978 - ?!]
It was just soooooo beautiful to me. That and the GooGoo Cluster I bought at a gas station in Mississippi - lol - Did you know you can't get GooGoos in Utah? Not then anyway. Ha. Love the dogwood trees in our yard - am thinking of planting a few red ones between these...

and I love the little violets that pop up everywhere, and the iris, and forsythia, and the blueberries blooming, and the promise of peonies!

And I LOVE our azaleas - would really like to have a few more - but I've tried planting a few the first years we lived here and since it's all about 'survival of the fittest' around my garden they just didn't make it. Speaking of not making it - those rascally rabbits have eaten every last one of my brussel sprout plants - NINE of them. I'm so disappointed - am designing a screen house for my garden in my head - lol. Remember last year I had FOUR tomato plants, and maybe harvested 10 tomatoes all season because of those pesty squirrels... Other news of hte week - worked in Montogmery a couple of days - whee; painted some more with my Art of Wild Abandonment Class [So - So Fun;] Got a check for a piece of art that I donated to a charity auction - still feels so weird to have someone I don't know buy something I did -
And I finished that crazy bathroom mirror, cleaned the house a bit, and gathered some things to donate to Goodwill.

And on a different thought - I'm loving my new Liz Claiborne bag that I bought brand-new at a thrift store for $4 - can you say 'good deal?' And yes, I'll admit I have also donated brand-new things that still have the tags - lol.
Another side note: I was so very sad to see 'slideshow' go away - I've used it for the past 4 years to highlight layouts, vacation photos, design team stuff, and art. So I was VERY PLEASED to find photobucket easy to use and slideshow accessible - take a look to the right and give it a go on your blog too!
Yep, spring has sprung, for sure! I'm loving our gorgeous weather, hoping for an equally gorgeous summer.
Well, spring is coming and going here in the southwest. Just depends on what day you ask!
I can sympathize with you over last year's tomato crop, but the brussel sprouts...not so much! There are really very, very few things I don't like to eat and brussel sprouts are on the top of the list. I did eat them as a child - because they were on the table and we always had to have at least a couple of bites of everything. Now I am all grown up and I don't have to buy them =)
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