Other than that, I’ve had a lazy-catch-up-on things-around-the-house week. It’s ‘crappie season’ so Craig has headed out most afternoons to fish until after dark… I’m loving the time change! And the WARM weather. Not loving everything blooming at once – I can hardly breathe when I’m outside [blooming trees are my BIGGGEST confirmed allergy],
[photo: looking down into the park from the walkway between my parking garage and office building- gorgoeus crab-apple trees and dogwoods and pear trees] but despite that I was able to weed around some flowers peeping through the ground, check on my little garden plants, and paint on the bathroom mirror [and sand it AGAIN, this time with electrical help – lol.] It will be finished eventually and I’ll be sure to share.
And inside, I painted the places in the bathroom that were left for me to choose which color to go with – cleaned out the pantry, kitted up some class kits, mailed some of the [waaaay] past-due Old Stuff Giveaways [please forgive me – had to crunch the budget for a week or so since I’ve been traveling so much for work -] switched out winter / summer clothes [it's 85* this week! No more heavy sweaters for me,] did the backgrounds for 5 – 6 paintings, and WENT CRAZY with THIS on-line art-journaling class I’m taking. OMGoodness… I’m obsessed [as in sketching in my sleep consumed] with this style of looking at / recording the world around me. I’ve long been a fan of Christy’s [she taught me how to do my girls, afterall] and I seriously love Junelle – her wonderful spirit, the joy she exudes, and her detailed teaching via video. It’s so fun to be whimsical in my art!! [Like I’ve ever been serious – lol.]
We're sketching and then using water colors to fill in the colors... Here’s a couple of pages – first in my sketch book – which is totally a place to PLAY – and then moved over to my actual art journal.
Love. It. Let me just encourage you to try something new – whatever it is that you’ve been wanting to give a go – I’m sure there are on-line [or real-life] classes just for that…go for it!
---- Oh, and I [finally] joined Pinterest so come follow me [and then I can follow YOU!] if you want -
Christy is so much fun to watch - the class sounds wonderful!
I just started Pinterest a couple of days ago. So far I have only played with it from my phone, so I am not sure I have the full picture of what I am doing in my head. I am having fun with it, just think there has to be more categories for me to repin to.
Sounds like you and Craig are as busy as ever and now you are back to having another hour a day to try to accomplish all of the fun things you do!
LOVE your clothesline piece!! So pretty!
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