Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

  1. Happy Spring Break! We have no trip planned, which is so very rare for us -
  2. But! We’re getting a new roof [and you have NO IDEA how happy this makes me.]
  3. The daffodils are blooming.
  4. Our youngest is home from college. And that makes us [very] happy.
  5. We had an overnight guest this weekend -
  6. So we got new electricity too. [Seriously they worked all. night. long. The meter was pulled at noon and put back on the next morning around 8:30. The whole -box- replaced.]
  7. I have windows7 on my new toy and I’ve discovered that I can tag photos and rate them with stars the way I’ve heard my mac friends doing it for years.
  8. Small things make me happy.
  9. Big things too [like the roof and electricity upgrade.]
  10. And family things too - like just sitting around and visiting together. Even if it's putting together a puzzle in the candle light.


Patty Williams said...

OMJ...you have daffodils blooming? I just saw that mine are up ! Finally, after all the snow we've had.

My kids aren't on Spring break yet, that's not till Easter time.

New roof ! New Electric ! Both very good things!

Patty Williams said...

Somehow my sign in keeps getting changed ! LOL

Patty = Patty W too ! LOL