Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thursday Three:


[... a day late. Sorryaboutthat.]
1. We've had a full and wonderful week at the Airstream International Rally.
2. This is possibly our longest trip in our camper, ever...
3. On our way home, and just enjoyed a throwed roll or two...

Monday, October 7, 2024

You'll want to grab this book now!

The Color of Home by Kit Tosello is an excellent book 
about family relationships... loss... and love.
When Audrey's Aunt Daisy needs some help with her uncle [who is ill] she doesn't hesitate to take a leave of absence to help facilitate 
the life changes they need to make...
Even though she had not been to the area in years.


Along the way she finds that she's never truly grieved her father's death 13 years earlier... It seems that both she and Aunt Daisy are both at a crossroad...
As Audrey reaches out to God for help she comes to realize
that following Him may sometimes mean, 
"Being, not doing. Trusting, not shoulding. Resting, not reproving."
[And I kinda love that quote.]
Aunt Daisy has her own relationship with our Lord... starting her day each morning sitting quietly before Him. But that doesn't mean her life was without struggles too -
She's taking care of and making care plans for 
her sweet husband who has dementia...
I loved this prayer of hers -
"Forgive me, Father, for allowing my less-than-glorious ruminations 
to crowd out Your Glory.
I may not hear Your voice today, Lord. But I hear you loud and clear. 
You are the giver of better things.
Kiss me again this morning with your love. Strengthen me, so I can refresh others. 
Show me where to find the holy in the hard. 
And in this land that's idyllic but still somehow inadequate, 
turn my eyes... Keep me facing homeward." [to You -]
- A great book full of growth and wisdom, acceptance... 
and a little romance in the end...
Note: I was given a copy of this book from the publisher for review purposes.
ALL opinions are my own.
It's a great book - 
I may just recommend it to my [library] book club...]

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Thursday Three:


1. It's been fun catching up with camping buddies this week! Lots of early mornings....
2. The private museum of vintage trailers was AWESOME. Thank you so much, friends, for opening the doors to the Vintage Airstream Club-
3. My thumb is numb /sprained... something... from reading too many books on my phone. 🤪 Truth.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thursday Three:


1. We've enjoyed a week 'at home.'.. doing all the regular home things...
2. Had time to catch up with Craig's mother, the oldest and our dau-in-law, and friends...
3. We've also stayed busy prepping for the next few weeks... and also spent a fair amount of time watching the weather channel and praying for friends who live in the Big Bend area of Florida...
[Edited to add: AND North Carolina and Tennessee - and other areas so affected by the flooding -]

#hardwickAdventures #JudysDobbyCat

Monday, September 23, 2024

Aishling the Airstream Update No. 022

 Rock Island State Park 
One of our favorite places! 
The park is gorgeous with lakes, hiking trails... and 
these beautiful falls!
We were there with our Music City Airstream Group -
Yes, we're a crazy group.
And yes, I so ENJOY being with thee people!
We co-hosted this over-the-top Oktoberfest Rally
The pavilion was PERFECTION.
Side Note: It was my first time to kinda sorta decorate 
#AishlingtheAirstream for fall. 
And you may remember my self-imposed rule that all decor
[other than the flamingo basket] MUST fit into this tiny cooler. 
But okay -- I added a tree - 
and also mums for this weekend. Ha.
This photo is of most everyone camping with us that weekend.
Such a great group of folks!
We ate lots [AND LOTS] of German food [THAT BREAD.]
And played some silly games
[as well as some serious flamingo dominoes!]
And just generally enjoyed being together.
[The weather was perfect.]

It was also their officer installation meeting - so it was sweet to welcome each on into their new leadership role. [Some not pictured.] Music City Airstream continues to be in great hands!
I also grabbed a photo of all those wearing blue berets - ah-la Wally Byum.
So fun. 
We're already looking forward to seeing them again soon!
Rock Island State Park - 
[I think I've reviewed them in the past -]
Clean enough bathrooms, mostly level pads. Good internet,
Beautiful area. Not too far from McMinnville [I think.]
We'd definitely go back again.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thursday Three


1. We celebrated Craig's Mother's 90th birthday on her [real] birthday this week - nothing wrong with celebrating multiple days or weeks, right?!
2. We are in full-on prep mode for The International Airstream event coming up in just a few weeks...
3. But first we're having a wonderful weekend with our Music City Friends at Rock Island State Park... [near Great Falls TVA Dam...]

Monday, September 16, 2024

Aishling the Airstream Update No. 021

 Honeycomb Campground
Grant, Alabama
What a pleasure to be back at Honeycomb with 
management that cares about their campers! 
[There. I said it.]
We had a great experience with our little group.
This more a gathering than a rally - 
But Craig and Peter still cook us pancakes one morning...
And different ones go out to eat throughout the weekend...
Can't beat the strawberry pretzel salad...
Or the catfish at Top of The River...
And I'm pretty sure we had nice Get Acquainted Meet-up
and of course BINGO! 
But mostly, it was just nice to relax by the lake 
and enjoy visiting with each other!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thursday Three:


1. We had another fun weekend with camping buddies at one of our favorite places!
2. Enjoyed time with both our boys together and separate... love spending time with them!
3. It's camping 'season' down here, y'all, and we're here for it - lol - currently prepping for a couple of upcoming outings...
Oh. And I pulled out some fall decor from our walk-in attic...[still loving the BeReal app - lol] And, yes, it needs some organizing! #HardwickAdventures

Monday, September 9, 2024

Aishling the Airstream Update No. 020

 Bald Mountain KOA
Hiawassee, Georgia
Oh. My. Goodness.
We enjoy this event so much!
Each year we host a group of mostly vintage campers 
in the North Georgia Mountains and 
We. Have. A Blast. 
Whether it's hanging by a campfire...
Or playing some serious flamingo train dominoes ..
We have a lot of fun.
Craig always does a shrimp boil one night 
and bingo another...
And of course we take our traditional logo photos
and post them on our FB group -
And since there's a creek nearby, we have a 
[not so] little duckie race... that everyone enjoys!
The crowd walks along the creek cheering their duck on - 
We're a crazy bunch.

SIDE NOTE: I did my best to get some good photos of #AishlingtheAIrstream with the mountains behind her...
They set-up a little golf tournament and awarded prizes to the winners - so fun for those up and about early in the day...
Here's our group photos - golfers and those who cheered them on -
Craig and Peter also fired up the blackstones and cooked pancakes and sausage for breakfast one morning... YUM.
And of course we had the traditional pot-luck gathering too...
This group was ready to dig-in - lol ...
Everything we have planned is optional 
and different folks participate in different things...
We always end our camp weekends with a short devotional time
before everyone packs up and heads home.
It's just a nice way to recognize the blessings God has given us
and thank Him for this beautiful world we get to enjoy.