in our Life Group [Sunday School] these days...
and these verses have always reassured me of God's love for us -
Luke 12: 6 God cares for every little sparrow. How much is a sparrow worth—don’t five of them sell for a few cents? 7 Since you are so much more precious to God than a thousand flocks of sparrows, and since God knows you in every detail—down to the number of hairs on your head at this moment—you can be secure and unafraid of any person, and you have nothing to fear from God either. [The Voice]
His love amazes me over and over ---
I searched a bit for some inspiration and found this from ...
I love the color of it all -
And I'm kind of, sort of, doing a a challenge to draw 30 faces in 30 days
so I wanted to include this in my Bible...
And you can see my take on it above -
Faces can be HARD for me y'all -
So I needed another piece of paper to be sure everything was even [enough - ha]
My process: I sketched the face and outline of hair with a pencil
[I didn't add any detail at this time.]
Added water color [used very little water to get the more vibrant colors - and used a mixture of lots of water, red, white, and yellow for the skin tones...]
Dried it well -
Used .25 pen [Illustrated Faith] to draw details traced the face details and added free-hand hair details based on the inspiration...
Printed the verse on the computer ["The Hand" font] and stuck it down with gel medium... again, DRIED IT ALL, then outlined each word with the same black pen.
Added white pen for a few highlights.
And that's it -
I did it all in less than hour...
If you look at the inspiration closely you can see that there is depth added to each strand of hair [with colored pencils, maybe?] - so I may go back and add that in
before I call it done - done. Ha.
Our 2nd Saturday Bible Journaling Group is meeting this Saturday morning via zoom.
We'll be talking about these verses [and others that have spoken to you recently]
and creating together.
I'd love to have you join us -
just message me for the link.
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