Sunday, July 19, 2020

If you've talked with me lately

you probably already know that I am trying my best 
to hang on to a 'normal'* life despite 
doing ALL I CAN to social distance... 
I've just finished up a six week on-line Bible study with a few friends 
thanks to zoom, Candace Payne, {You Belong} and church source...
We're 'getting away' with camping trips at least once a month, 
despite the summer heat... 
and I'm staying in touch with crafty friends through zoom crops, 
Bible journaling via zoom... and most recently 
an ENTIRE scrapbook weekend at the 

Summer Camp @ Lake Lottawashi 
[get it?] 
where I re-connected with cabin mates that I met, 
hmmm... 3 or 4 years ago. 
 This was originally planned to be an in-person weekend...
[I wasn't signed up for it bc I'd already signed up for my Utah gathering that was cancelled, so when it opened up for a virtual weekend I jumped at the chance!]

And the retreat. seriously? It was SO FULL of goodness that it was almost like being there - 
There were classes, and demos, and crop well as shopping time...
 and time to visit with friends -
 [MUCH THANKS to Michele Miller Craft
with 3 Chicks Scrapbook store in Washington.]
- Such a great job! 
ALL our supplies were included in the camp fee and arrived just a few days before camp started - including the little 'table gifts' we get each morning [and snacks!]. 
Just really an adorable theme - 
and y'all know I love to camp,so I was all in!
We had drink holders and pens with the camp theme, 
as well as pillowcases for our bunks -  
[shown here on my chair - ]
and snacks galore!
[Have any of you tried the s'mores 'goldfish'?
- dee-lish.]
I made 2 or three mini albums...
sooooooo cute
And over 14 layouts during "cabin time" - lol
[I still have many events from 2019 that are not in the scrapbook yet...]
We had great classes - and lots of different layout ideas! 
[This was shown as two page spread...] 
Plus 'Make n Takes' - 
LOVE the little note holder made with washi tape 
- a rainbow to remind me of God's promises!
I always love seeing how everyone else in the group interprets an idea!
And hey, I might change some of mine up as I go too -
Especially as I open up more of the supplies they sent us 
and see such great embellishments! - lol
A favorite class was with Layle Koncar - 
The Traveler's Notebook Queen
[my opinion]
where she taught us how to cover TN inserts, decorate them, 
and make folder inserts as well.
Of course we talked about all things washi ...
and had to share our stash...
BUT! Also talked about how it's meant to be used before its life is gone...
And in the end, after I sorted everything up - 
This is what was left... it reminded me of the days when I would go to a scrapbook convention / retreat and have to take an extra suitcase just to get everything home.
Just so generous!
[And of course, this didn't include what I bought throughout the weekend....
It will be shipped because I couldn't fit it into my camp backpack. HA.]
Now, I need a nap just like any time when I've stayed up way past my bedtime visiting and crafting with friends for 4 nights in a row.
But it sure was fun.
* what IS 'normal,' really?

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