Friday, July 31, 2020

Annie Lee the Argosy Update No. 017

Camping JP Coleman State Park 
Iuka, Mississippi
Craig has memories of camping here through the years... 
and says this is where we camped with friends in [condensating]  {I know that's not a word...} 
tents over 30 yeas ago - but I'm old and have no memory and it seems more like that event happened at Tishamingo or more likely Desoto State Park in Alabama... 
but who knows...
Either way it has been a while since we camped in Mississippi - 
I think we camped in the cub outside of Memphis once when the boys had a soccer tournament... 
We were in Mississippi to attend the Drive-In concert with Michael W. Smith, Stephen Curtis Chapman and Mac Powell - in my effort to keep things normal I needed something to look forward to [and they DID NOT DISAPPOINT.]
But I wanted to take a moment to share a bit more of what's going on inside #AnnieLeetheArgosy - I am so enjoying the counter space in our little kitchen!
We have both of the sink covers - and using just one makes such a difference in preparing a meal!
And y'all know we love having the space to sit INSIDE and eat - 
[Love our windows that let in light while the rock guards provide privacy!]
We've added some art to the little shelves [with lights] above our beds  - this is my side: a composite of art by Robert LaDuke + a field notes notebook from Mt. Rainier + a quote. 
Love it.
Craig's side has a photo of him with his sister and father camping when he was a kid + a smokey bear print + this little racoon that's been camping with us since Matt was 2 years old...
I've mentioned before that I'm using a couple of spice racks in the kitchen for decor / photos - right now it has camping photos of me and my sister + Craig and his sister + prints of Smokey Bear and a Huntsville rocket...
Over the sink we have a hanging plant and this larger print.
I love the quote, but the color is a little 'off' so it probably won't stay forever...
I also wanted to show you our little cat clock and embroidery on the other side of the kitchen, 
but I've apparently lost that photo somewhere... 
I'll share it soon!
Loving adding little details to Annie Lee that makes her ours ... 

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