of my Daily December album…
[And let me APOLOGIZE up front for the wonky photos -
I've tried to change them a million** times...]
Y’all know I decided to go SIMPLE this year –
I committed to
sharing a photo each day on Instagram
and later decided that I’d have these
printed up
[at Walgreens, 4x4] and put them in an album.
I got this cute little album at JoAnn’s and embellished
it with a banner from
Michael’s $1 section + some number stickers for the year –
Michael’s $1 section + some number stickers for the year –

But I hope you can get the idea of this simple little scrapbook...
After I had the photos on the pages I went back through and added a little title or thought ...
printed on the computer and cut into strips...
and, yes, I'll admit, taped down with plain ole tape...
[Definitely not an acid free girl here....]
I wrote on some of the journaling cards, left some as embellishment,
and put photos on others...
['Shopped' one of our sweet gals into this one since she wasn't with us...]
I included the Instagram photo for the day plus a few more to capture all of the Christmas-ing we did throughout the season....
And of course, I almost always end with our little group photo from New Year's Eve...
Smaller this year because we met for lunch....
and I probably had it completed within a couple of hours of picking up the photos.
Can't wait to see your completed albums too!
** Probably an exaggeration, but still....
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