Monday, March 9, 2015

Just a quick update of our week

... we went from this: 
 to this:
  in about 24 hours...
Just like many in the South...
And also this:
 [mostly ice, although it looks like snow -]
And then there was this:
 [but most of you have probably already seen that on facebook]
Me and the little super zoom [nikon] are best buds right now --
[Y'all know we have a love - hate relationship - but once it settled into the lighting...
well, it was the bomb diggity! 
- I hardly ever shoot manual so I was happy that it did the job for me!]
And of course there was this:
 - And honestly, it seems like 
National Pancake Day 
was just three months ago ---
[Kinda fun to be in the fracas!] 
And then there was this: 
-- 'melted streets' 
- and back to work for me for a half day on Friday --
 which I REALLY needed to do to be ready for next week....
And on Saturday morning there was this: 
And y'all, we still have a sold sheet of ice at least two inches thick 
over in the shade by our camper....
[And, yes. We love our gliders.]
I'll be the first to say that I was mighty sad to miss the BIG SNOW that happened while we were at The Gulf... but now, after this icy stuff... 
I'm ready for spring.
And I'm sure I'm not the only one....
 Oh, and happy birthday to this one... 
The one who took me from being 'the baby' 
to being 'the middle child'
... no need to wonder why I'm so messed up!
So glad he's in my life!
[Gotta love that camera on the towel next to us -]

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