Tuesday, December 30, 2014

I'm almost finished

with my December album!
I'll apologize in advance for the quality of these photos - 
taken inside with no sunlight - 
But you get the general ide of how 
I've pulled my book together - ha
Here are a few more pages - 
It's always so fun to have Matt and friends at our house 
during the holidays!
On the 16th we had the opportunity to see MK's solo performance in her school program!
[She did great!]
I used a clear sleeve [from packaging] for a partial page and punched holes in the program to insert it in my book as well.
Our Christmas card - 
Then it was on to Montgomery for my staff meeting and 
Christmas luncheon. 
We also enjoyed a little Mexican this week! LOL -
I love snowmen so I stuck this little gift bag in my book -
I put the negative sticker from our gift tags on the back and filled it with Christmas stickers --
Craig helped with our Christmas cards - 
and I prepped for a little medical test 
[gotta include the good, the bad, and the ugly - ha]
Extra photos of our boys -
and a new little nativity set I picked up - 
Fireworks on Christmas Eve have been a blast these last few years [ha] - Truly, we use them to celebrate many other things, so why not the birth of Christ too?
LOVE our family time!
- snapped a photo before our Christmas night movie 
- and I added the front of a cute card in the middle
and used it for journaling...
Christmas with extended family is always fun!
Lots and LOTS of gifties 
and time to catch up with each other!
So, this is what my desk looks like currently - ha.
I've got a few more pages to add - I'll include New Year's Eve and then we have another extended family gathering that I'll add in as well. The last page has a photo of our tree in the window, at night, 
from the outside - 
I love doing these little in-the-moment books throughout the month - it captures the busyness of the season, and also helps me slow down a bit and savor each day --
I hope your Christmas was merry
and your new year's is bright!

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