Monday, December 31, 2012

We're still Christmas-ing!

 [I love the word paper we picked up at Kohl's]
It’s been a busy week  
[and THANK GOODNESS we’re feeling ever-so-much better!] 
Our Christmas schedule looked something like this:
Wednesday & Thursday 12/ 19-20: 
We both worked out of town – in different directions. Whee.
Saturday 12/22: 
Shopping Day for us! We started at Kohl’s and ended at Wal-Mart with favorite stops in between – And, we got it done! 
Matt and friend came home after a whirlwind tour of Florida ;
 [Thanks to Carlos for the fun photo!]
Sunday 12/23
After a breakfast of sausage balls, 
Carlos headed home, Matt crashed, and Craig and I drove over to enjoy time with Mother. Had a wonderful dinner, and did a little shopping afterwards, 
but mostly enjoyed un-hurried conversation [– very nice];
 [Still knitting those gorgeous stockings!]
Monday 12/24
Enjoyed lunch with Mama and helped her put together a little something special 
for all those who make her feel comfy these days -
Then headed back to HSV to tailgate before our 
Christmas Eve Service at our local minor league ball field…
[LOVE celebrating the birth of Christ with fireworks set to Christmas music!!],
 Afterwards we did a walk-through of Target to observe frenzied shoppers 
[what I can I say?];
Tuesday 12/25: 
Merry Christmas! 
We had a lazy sleep-in day that started with hand-cut biscuits 
and Golden Eagle Syrup…
[I hesitate to say home-made since I used bisquick – ha,] 
we found Pauly soaking wet and beat-up from who knows what 
[– he was a soggy pitiful mess – but drank warm milk and ate a little – let me brush the leaves out of his hair and rested in his basket for the rest of the day. He was back to his old self a few days later -] 
I made our favorite Christmas Cookies and prepared the family celebration meal; had taco bar for dinner [oops – forgot to get out the sour cream…] Had a windy night that almost took our patio cover down 
– but Craig and Matt were able to rescue it!
Wednesday 12/26
Early a.m. duck-hunting for Craig, back to work for me, dentist for Matt, 
and family Christmas in the evening… 
LOVE spending time with my guys!
 Made Crock-pot lasagna – is this Pinterest Idea # SEVEN for the month?!? 
– No photos, but delish [on my pinterest board ‘To Eat – Savory’. 
The best thing about it? 
You don’t have to deal with drippy cooked noodles before you put it all together. 
 Saturday 12/29: 
Christmas-ing, still. 
Traveled to be with Craig’s family --- Always fun to hang-out together!
But alas, no group photo, what's up with that?!?
Had another quick over-night friend of Matt's stay with us -
  And through the week, I still found time to work with Art a bit – am loving the HUGE pieces I’ve seen out and about in blog-land and my {FB} groups and have been wanting to do something to hang in the foyer during Christmas – here’s the beginnings –
It's almost finished - 
 I’ll share more in a couple of weeks -  
 And while it IS December 31st, I can’t say Happy New Year just yet 
– we’ve still got more Christmas-ing to do. Still.
 Stay safe and have a good one.


Gloria L. said...

Happy New Year!

Marianne B in AZ said...

Wow! You did have (and still do?) a lot of Christmas-ing to do! Good for you! I loved seeing the big decorated marshmellow floating in the cup of hot chocolate! Put a smile on my face.
Today is Jan 1st, so I will say it...Happy New Year, Judy!