tol·er·ance [tol-er-uhns] noun 1. a fair,
objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices,
race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from
one's own; freedom from bigotry.2. a fair,
objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions and practices that differ from
one's own.
Here’s my journaling: “Okay –
here’s the deal. I will still enjoy the Muppets while eating my Chick Fil
A. To me, that’s what tolerance is all about – being able to accept
our different opinions & beliefs without condemning each other. I believe
the Bible is the true, infallible Word of God. And I also believe God loves all
of us regardless of what we our beliefs might be. He gave us freedom to
choose the way we live & it’d be a pretty boring place if we all
chose the same, wouldn’t it? Some may ‘unfriend’ me or
verbally accuse me of being intolerant & to me, that’s the opposite
of tolerance. I have many friends who have opinions different from mine & I
wish them nothing but THE BEST in life – we get along great – agree
to disagree - And, to me that’s what tolerance is – knowing your
opinions & beliefs without demanding that everyone else feel the same. That’s
the point [to me] – Chick Fil A is not discriminating against anyone –
they aren’t saying you must believe a certain way to walk through their
doors. Yet, they are standing for what they believe. Something we all should do
– Because, afterall, you’ve got to stand something, or you’ll
fall for anything…”
big·ot·ry [big-uh-tree] noun 1. stubborn and complete intolerance of any
creed, belief, or opinion that differs
from one's own.2. the
actions, beliefs, prejudices, etc., of a bigot.
Love this that I saw on FB this week –
It’s just the truth for me -
And to be clear about how I feel– I know we all
have sin in our lives [me included!] and believe God does not differentiate between
big ones or small ones – that's something humans do - so while I believe
that the marriage should be between a man and a woman [according to the Bible I
believe in -] I also believe that homosexuals who have joined in partnership
are entitled to have a binding agreement where they can legally be afforded the
same things that are recognized by a marriage license. This is not a new
belief for me – I pulled out a paper I wrote in graduate school [way back
in ‘96] advocating for this very thing. It’s heart-breaking to see
someone losing a partner they’ve shared their lives with for years and
years only to have other [legal] family members come in and take all
decision-making away. I’d like to say that wouldn’t happen in today’s
society – but I know all-too-well that it can... And for those of you who
say I can't ‘have it both ways’ – I say, why not? I eat my snickers
bar while drinking a diet pepsi – doesn’t that seem a bit
contradictory too?
[FYI - I printed a 'coloring book' image of the cookie monster and painted him once he was adhered to my page - printed a CFL logo and cut it out before putting it on a dotted red background [pattern cut from the same logo.] Journaled with some new [super] fine sharpie pens [LOVE THEM.] I may go back and chalk over the definitions to help them blend into the page a bit more -- Oh and that peace art above? Something similar is DEFINITELY going on one of my lazy susans from ikea.]
1 comment:
Wish more people would stand up for what they believe in!
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