Friday, April 20, 2012

Let me share with you

how much I've enjoyed playing with paints [and markers!]  this past year. I have LOVED the classes [on-line] that I've taken with Christy Tomlinson, Joanne Sharp, and Junelle Jacobson. They are THE BEST. [Click their names to find out more about them!]
Soooo, I bought this bag down at Goodwill [I'm sure I've shared that our local Goodwill gets leftovers straight from Target... -hmm, yay,] for a little of nothing - the green color caught my eye [of course! No matter how much I flirt with blue, green has always been my tried and true favorite color.]
And I thought to myself - I can paint this one day - and after taking taking some of the fabulous classes I mentioned above I went for it! 
The background is actually three + colors of yellow, and a little green, a technique I learned from Christy.
And the lettering is one of the things I've loved most about JoAnne's art since the first time I saw it - I was so happy she taught us how to do it with our own spin. You can see that I penciled in my lines and words before going over with a perm. marker.
And the whimsical flags and birdies are straight from Junelle's class. Love how the yellow seems to POP once the other colors are added to it. [Love this favorite hymn from long ago too!] 
But, I'll be honest and say I'm not loving the little solo-singing bird in the middle -  I've re-painted him 3 or 4 times so I'm DONE [lol] with him for now...but I may go back and give him another makeover in the future... 
I encourage you to take a moment to look at some of the things around you and think about how a little paint and color might turn them into something completely different and fun. Enjoy!


Rosemary Palmer said...

I hit the flea market this morning with a couple of good finds - 2 great items for $7

Mel said...

Ohhhhh, what a great idea, well done on your bag!!! Thank you Judy!!!

Gloria L. said...

I must say - you are a star pupil! It's all about being brave...

Anonymous said...

Love this bag! You are so talented!!!! I hope to some day be able to take a class from you!

Just a Simple Gal - Judy in Huntsville - AL said...

Thanks y'all! It's mostly about letting go of perfectionism - lol...