I have to admit, I feel like I'm behind on everything and am still playing catch-up from the holidays! Here it is Monday and this should have been posted yesterday [will past-post it so it will show then. And while I'm at it there's another past-post that will go up too - be looking for it!] And I should have a completed layout to share with you as well. Hopefully I'll get to that this week [sometime.] Check back, because I'll slip into this post once it's done.

So here's the Faith Based Challenge I have for you: Using the sketch provided from S
crapbook Etc. Magazine complete a layout inspired by a favorite praise song or hymn. [I'll give you a hint - I'm using a large photo of a sunset and the title 'I'll Fly Away'.] As always, please leave a comment here and let me know if you've accepted the challenge and where I can see your work! Have fun!
Love the sketch!
Do you recommend scrapbooks etc? I currently dont have any subscriptions..I was looking into getting this...
Love the sketch...here is may layout...
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