Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

  1. I love the smell of bed clothes [that’s blankets, sheets, and quilts for my non-southern friends] that have been hung out in the sunshine! Every time I cuddle up it smells like the beach to me. – All warm and sunny and fresh. Yum.
  2. I had a difficult conversation with people I love this week but it needed to be done. I’ve always believed there’s healing in bringing things out in the open so that others can share [and support] what you’re going through. And while there’s hurt, there’s also hope that we can manage this together. [It’s not my story to tell, but please pray for these people in my life as they begin to travel a road they never expected to be on.]
  3. And already, we can see how God is not only with them, but has prepared the way to show He’s there. I love how He works in our lives.
  4. My super-shopper husband is on the hunt for the best replacement vehicle for Youngest. [Seriously –he is THE BEST at finding a good deal – just ask his friends for whom he’s a ‘personal shopper.’]
  5. Don’t believe me? Well, he recently bought a queen blow-up mattress and microwave [both new in the box] FOR FIFTY CENTS each. He knows how [when and where] to shop people. Me? Not so much.
  6. Craig fished with his dad this weekend and I played with crafty things. [I had three {scrapbook} kits that had not even been opened!] It was nice to take some time for things we enjoy. [Photo from a previous excursion.]
  7. I thought having the holiday on Thursday gave me some time to re-set my body clock to standard time. Waking up at 4:30 a.m. those first few days made for a very long day.
  8. And then for some reason [age?!?!?] I woke up at 3:00 for the next few mornings – rested and ready to go. For about three hours – then it was back to bed for me. Craziness, I tell ya.
  9. Let me just say how much I enjoy our home when it’s clean and clutter free. We’ve spent the last week or so working on some of our ‘stuff’ that’s accumulated over the past couple of months. Nice.
  10. And lastly – The Fall Color Report: It’s lingering [yay!] While some trees in our area are completely bare, I’ve noticed the ones in the park below my office are just reaching their peak – and this beauty, seen on my drive to work each day, has been gorgeous for a while now. Lovely. [Straight out of the camera – set on ‘foliage’ shot with a little white edge from picnik.]


LindainNCtoo said...

Love this week's list....

I LOVE items dried outside. Something I miss doing....hanging laundry outside in the summer sun.I would say the spring, but the pollen season here in NC is HORRIBLE from April - June. Everything is green and yellow.

Marianne B in AZ said...

I understand completely about the bedding being dried outside. I like it the very first night we sleep on sheets that have dried on the line - that "crunchy" feeling actually feels really good to me!

Where on earth did your DH find a blow up matress in the box for 50 cents? I just paid...well lets just say a whole lot more than that for one on Tuesday. DH aunt who we have stayed with a lot over the past few years, now has her grandson living with her (it is actually a win/win situation - she is getting where she needs some help and he just got out of the Navy and is going back to school very close to her). She kept telling us she would sleep on the couch. Right? Let the 82-year-old aunt sleep on the couch while we sleep soundly in her bed? Don't think so. DH came up with the blow-up mattress idea. I bought it at Costco. It is the "Original Aero Bed" and is queen size. We bought an el-cheapo one the last time and it really did not last long. Costco is usually good quality, and if it isn't they will take it back, no questions asked. I knew he was a great shopper from when he found your second glider (I am thinking that isn't what they are really called) for such a great deal. Sure he will find Youngest a great car at a great price.

Good you could get in some extra crafty time. I am hoping to do that with a friend on Saturday. Your fall photo is beautiful! I love what you did with it for your LO.

Had fun in the blog hop with you (not that it was in your post - just thought I'd tell you). Thought it was fun that I was grouped between you and Groovy Deb!

Take care and have a great week!