Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just wanted to share...

“The report of your obedience has reached everyone. Therefore I rejoice over you.” Romans 16:19

God’s willingness and unwavering desire to bless His people is one of the most repetitive concepts in both testaments of His Word. He is the Giver of all good gifts and greatly exults when a child cooperates enough to receive some.

Just as the Promised Land was a place of assured blessings to the children of God who followed His precepts in the Old Testament, New Testament believers were also promised blessings for their obedience. When you and I find our places in Christ where God can freely fulfill His promises to us , we too will experience immeasurable blessings.” – Beth Moore, Believing God: Day by Day, Growing in Your Faith all Year Long [January 20th]

I believe His immeasurable blessings are not always material things, but are, more importantly, the satisfaction of knowing that He. Is. Enough. Day by day as we go through life – for Him.

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