Monday, February 3, 2025

Aishling the AIrstream Update No. 32 [part two]

So - we were at 30A RV Resort
to attend The CanOpener  -
Let's see if I can do a quick run down of ALL THE FUN.
Because it WAS, y'all.
Lyndsay and crew do such a wonderful job showcasing the area and creating fun things for us all to do as a group - and I'm talking 200 - 300 people group. 
[Of course not everyone does EVERY single thing - but still, it's A LOT.
We enjoyed walking the grounds of nearby Eden State Park. 
The camellias were in bloom and just gorgeous!
This tree was awesome too!
They planned a bowling 'tourney' where you were teamed up with people you might not know - and it was so fun and such a great way to meet fellow- airstreamers! 

The corn hole tournament is always fun!
But it was too cold for me to do much cheering as they played 
OUTSIDE - lol - 

Craig and I enjoyed meeting up with our Alabama Airstream Club for breakfast
 one morning at The Perfect Pig - 
It was so good to get together [and meet some members new-to-us!]
The food was delish and we practically had the place to ourselves! 
Due to a very rainy Friday - 
ALL of those activities were pushed to Saturday and it made for a pretty FULL day! 
Our little group did our traditional 'IT'S A SOUTHERN THANG, Y'ALL' and served tomato sandwiches [white bread, mayo and 'maters] with RC Cola, 
moon pies and sweet tea...
We were happy to be set up inside... and people kept coming back for more... 
There were NONE left in just a couple of hours -
Who jumped in and enjoyed serving others with us!
One of the highlights of CanOpener [added just last year] is 

This year's theme was masquerade ball - 
So in late December Craig and I made a quick stop at one of our favorite thrifty places and picked up our outfits - And yes. You know by now that mine is actually a SHOWER CURTAIN. But I love that fabric so much! If my mama was still living, I'd have her stitch me up a dress with it. [And I still might give it a go -]
Our little group looked spiffy and nice
after serving hundreds of tomato sandwiches - ha.
And yep - the chili cook-off was moved to this day also... 
and I think we were all happy with that - lol 
It was so cold that we all had on layers of clothes... and the pop top group enjoyed our chili together, then quickly headed back to 
winter camp when the sun went down...
It was a fun week and a great way to start the new year!
I'm VERY happy that the #AishlingtheAirstream ' s heater was in good working order!

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