Monday, June 10, 2024

Okay - Let's talk about

 The Northern Lights - 
in THE SOUTH, y'all...
Oh. My. Goodness.
Can we say
Bucket List? CHECK.
MAY 2024
Of course we'd read about the possibility of seeing them far to the south... but I wasn't sure about how the REALITY of that might play out. We kinda sorta said we'd set an alarm to remind us to get outside about midnight...
We were a couple of hours north, camping in Tennessee...
And we both got a text around 9:30 pm from friends and neighbors at home saying they could see them outside their HOUSE. So we grabbed some shoes, got in the car, and drove to the campground boat ramp - with a clear view of the northern skies.
When we first got there we could see the shapes of light shadows
 - columns and swirls...
So I picked up my phone camera...
These photos are SOC [Straight Out of the Camera] 
- no editing at all.
I was VERY HAPPY I still had the night setting on 6 seconds - 
When we first saw them there were so many blues, greens, yellows, and of course those gorgeous pinks! I had to turn to the west a bit and grab this photo of the Falls Creek Falls Lodge with the moon, stars and Northern Lights.
It was beautiful.
After I got my wits about me, 
I sent a photo to a camping buddy with the message: 
Boat Ramp. NOW.
And she replied without hesitation - ON OUR WAY.
The guys got lawn chairs out and we walked around taking photos until we were too cold to stay out any longer - quite the pajama party! 
[LOVE how we could see the stars shine through the lights!]
The longer we were there, the less blues and greens we saw...
And maybe our eyes adapted... but we could definitely see a bit more of them with our naked eyes too... [Those are boats stacked up in the foreground...]
And the swirls and columns just continued to change shape
and almost surround us 360 degrees....
So I turned to the south and the lights were almost completely RED.
Definitely something I have never seen before...
Craig will joke and say this saved him a trip to Iceland.. but the truth is - if we were guaranteed to see them, we'd be on a plane as quick as we could arrange it. 
[That's the lone light near us, on the boat house -]
Because they are
Our Creator God is an incredible artist.
And what a way to show His Glory to all the earth.
And yes - I know it's science, and molecules, and air, and sun bursts - 
But I believe He is the Creator of it all - what a delight it was for Him to share His Glorious Lights with us in the deep south! 
It was hard to process just how awesome it was -
And I feel blessed to have seen them!

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