Monday, June 17, 2024

A wonderful debut novel

 from Jenny Erlingsson set in a small town in Alabama - right outside my hometown [Huntsville - more on than later -] where we find Adanne, a professional make-up artist by trade, trying her best to keep her family's legacy going after she was deeply wounded by an actor's careless words during her big break into the industry. 
And - plot twist - she ends up taking a last minute job on a  local film crew and finds herself working with said actor... 

Unbeknownst to her, he has made a life changing decision with Jesus, and is doing his best to become the person God wants him to be. The author does a wonderful job taking us through their thoughts and feelings as they learn to trust Jesus more, while at the same time learning to trust each other as well. Loved that they both had or sought out Godly council as they navigated the changes in their lives. The scene of her sister-cousins praying over her brought tears to my eyes [and hope everyone reading this has friends and family who will pray over them like that.] Of course we have a good ending... And I loved how it all came together.

I so enjoyed reading this book set in the fictional North Alabama town of Hope Springs... and I recognized glimmers of Huntsville and the surrounding areas throughout the book [that blue bridge is red- just sayin' - *wink*
And hey - I've been to the hotel overlooking the outdoor shopping]  
There are lots of quotes I underlined as I read - here's one of my favorites:
"I don't know what a new season looks like for you...but remember to anchor. If  you know who you are in Christ, you won't have to worry about the in-between. Do what you know. Remember your first love. Engage in what makes your heart sing. You'll see God unfold everything from there."
[Kinda neat that I found a graphic for it!] 
The book comes out this week - so be sure a and order your copy today!
Note: I was given a copy of this book from the publisher for review purposes.
All opinions are my own -

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